Covenant Winter 2003

He Said She Said,
The Evergreen State College

Program Covenant
This quarter-long program is engaged in an interdisciplinary study of gender identity and gender development in the United States. The shared readings focus on childhood and motherhood as key determinants of gender identity, along with culture, law and personal experiences. Each student will also select a special topic for more detailed study. The program's purpose is develop student skills in the appraisal of the validity of varied and perhaps even contradictory sources of evidence and analysis about gender. This will entail careful research, shared writing and discussions in seminar and sensitivity in social and academic relationships among students in the program.

Listed below are the minimal standards for credit in the program. We assume that students understand that they are responsible for their learning and will therefore aim high and set personal standards that stretch their intellectual, physical and expressive potential.

All students and faculty in this program will:

> Take active responsibility for our actions and learning;
> Abide by the principles of the social contract, student conduct code and faculty code;
> Submit final self and faculty evaluations in a timely manner;
> Follow through on commitments made to others in team work situations;
> Participate in discussions and class activities;
> Reflect on the learning through writing and dialogue; and
> Resolve conflict in a direct and timely manner.

The minimum bases for awarding credit in this program are:
> Submission of all assignments;
> Full and regular attendance at all program activities;
> Attendance at an evaluation conference; and
> Completion of a self evaluation for the transcript and faculty evaluation.

Credit equivalencies likely include:
Gender studies 3
Research and analysis 3
Special Topic 2

All work completed at the upper division level of sophistication and depth will receive upper division credit.
Partial Credit will not be awarded for any component of this program. We expect that all students will register for the entire eight credits and will receive all credits for the program.
Assigned work must be completed and submitted on time. Incompletes generally will not be granted, except in unusual circumstances. Any extended deadline must be negotiated with faculty

This covenant was signed by all students and faculty during class
Wednesday January 15, 2002