Vivian Johnston Climate Change Mitigation: Emissions Trading
November 3, 2002
Article 17 of the Kyoto Protocol allows Annex 1 countries to buy the right to emit ghg from other Annex 1 countries who have reduced their ghg emissions below their assigned amounts.Joint Implementation gives credit to developing nations for investing in projects in other countries that reduce CO2 emissions.Clean Developing Mechanisms gives credit to nations that fund projects in developing countries that have certified emission reductions providing that benefits accrue to the host.
Beeliveau(1998,October 1)Smoke and Mirrors: Will Global Pollution Trading Save the Climate or Promote Injustice and Fraud? Retrieved October 15,20002 from emissions trading
-trading will not lower emissions but will reward polluters
-emissions trading will encourage fraud, increase inequity,
- offers some alternatives(pollution taxes, technology forcing mandates)
Cantor Fitzgerald Environmental Brokerage Service, retrieved October 27, 2002 from
-provides a market place for industry, the government and the public to take part in credit trading.
-has an emissions trading movie, retrieved October 27, 2002 form a link to many climate change web sites
-has a glossary of terms for emissions trading
-gives the global warming potential of each greenhouse gas
-wants to help businesses "understand, mitigate and manage the transition to a greenhouse gas
constrained future
Committee on Government Reform, House of Repesentatives, Credit for Early Action: win-win or Kyoto through the
Front Door.106th Congress.1st Session .Hearing Serial No 106-37, July 15, 1999
-against ratifying Kyoto
Friends of the Earth(nd) Consultation Response: Economic Instruments and the business use of energy.Retieved
October 29,2002 from does not think a tradable permit system is a workable option
-monitoring is inadequate
-no satisfactory system of allocation
-offers no stimulus for new innovative technology
-emissions trading have no long-term goals
FOE(nd)Briefing: The Politics of Climate Change. Retrieved October 29,2002 from
-reducing emissions should be the focus of climate change policy
-opposes sinks in the Kyoto Protocol
-Three mechanisms used to lower costs of mitigation and increase flexibility are Joint
Implementation, Clean Development Mechanism and International Emissions Trading(IET)
-FOE thinks these should be restricted and reductions be done at home
-opposes Nuclear energy as a CDM
GreenPeace(2000,November)Kyoto Protocol Negotiations in The Hague. Retrieved October 15, 2002 form
-Gives an intro to Kyoto
-has a graph of loopholes
-conservation practices should not be given "credits" to sell
trading needs strict safeguards
Mullins, Fiona(1999);International Emissions Trading Under the Kyoto Protocol(OECD)ENV?EPOC(99)18/
-discusses key issues to Emissions trading including "environmental effectives and economic
National Resource Defense Council (2001) Marrakech Agreement Clears Last Hurdle for Global Warming Treaty:
World Prepares to Ratify Made-in America Deal without U.S. Retrieved October 31,2002 from
- Marrakech agreement establishes an operational system for IET
Victor, David G. The Collapse of the Kyoto Protocol and the Struggle to Slow Global Warming.Princeton University
Press Princeton,New Jersy,2001
-looks at flaws in the Kyoto Protocol including emissions trading
-Says little attention has been given to international politics
-"developing countries do not have strong and impartial legal institutions."