Turn in this completed record sheet with your completed portfolio in
advance of your evaluation conference.
Include all your work in your portfolio, organized into sections, so your reader can easily compare your record sheet to your actual work. Include completed and legible work - drafts and lecture notes are optional (put them in the very back if you want to include them). Put one paragraph at the beginning of each section of your portfolio, explaining: * what's included in this section * how it demonstrates your understanding and growth * with specific reference to one or two tabbed pieces of work * and a discussion that demonstrates an example of your best learning, in your own words. P = participation and attendance. Ordinarily mark (/) (check) . If you gave a minilecture or worked at the board, please mark (+). If you came late or didn't present when you were scheduled to, please mark (-) . Excused absence (OK), unexcused absence (O) HW = homework. Please mark 9/10 if you finished 9 of 10 problems assigned. Please mark (+) for thorough and correct work with plenty of words, (-) for sketchy or inaccurate work with few words, and (/) for pretty good, pretty thorough work. Q = Quiz. Please indicate your score. Be fair - if you did not show all your work, including Gaussian surface and units, it's less than 100%. If your methods were correct, explicit, and clear, and your errors were merely numerical, don't grade yourself harshly. 0 = didn't attend or didn't do NA = not assigned that week |