
People of Earth. The United States is in crisis.

 The United States Government has been turned into a war machine in order to further the Empire that it has created. People around the world I ask you to stand up and come out in force to show the US government that we will not stand for such an atrocity. As of today the US government is on the verge of commiting mass genocide of the Iraqi people. We as a planet need to unite in order to tell the world governments that this is not what we want.

The US government looks at two basic themes that is the reason for the upcoming war with Iraq. One is that Saddam Huissen has weapons of mass destruction. That could very well be true. Iraq has in the past acknowledged that it has weapons of mass destruction. It has used those weapons on people. Not only on Iran, but also on the Kurds of Saddam's own country. Iraq has made war on Iran and invaded Kuwait. Both of these events have occured since 1980. It is no doubt that the Iraqi government is not a peaceful government. So why not take the government out and replace it with one that will not pose a threat to the US government?

The first and foremost fact that comes to mind is that Iraq DOES NOT POSE A THREAT TO US GOVERNMENT! Iraq in the past decade has had approximately 90% of its weapons disarmed. This number came from the former UN weapons inspectors. The remaining weapons that have not been accounted for are either destroyed by the Iraqi government themselves or are hidden and are not in any state for immediate deployment. So in other words the Iraqi government cannot respond or unleash an attack with weapons of mass destruction immediatley. What it can do is prepare, and if the do have WMD's then that is what they are doing now.

What the American people need to start doing is stop marginalizing the arguments of the informed. The US CIA stated that if attack Iraq will most likely use any weapons of mass destruction that it has as a desperate measure to kill as many US soldiers that Saddam could before the US kills him. The US government knows this, and yet it is still moving on with its plans to destroy the Iraqi government. The end result is mass casulties on both sides.

The other theme that the US government is looking at is the fact that Saddam is a dictator running an oppresive regime. This part is also true. Saddam is a terrible person that runs the country with fear and an iron fist. I know that if Saddam dropped dead today most of the world would not shed a tear. This though is also another major reason not to attack Iraq.

Since Saddam is a dictator his ultimate goal is to stay in power. While most of Saddams country is already controled by US no-fly zones Saddam has very limited power outside of Bahgdad. Saddam knows that if he were to truly build up a force able to disrupt the US or any of the US's "allies" then he would no longer be able to remain in control of his country. He knows that he would face a multilateral attack not only by the UN, but most likely from his allies also. Since we are not seeing this and not hard evidence has been presented then we can safely bet that this supposed weapons build up is not the case.

The effect of the war will be extreme. The US will engage in the mass genocide of the Iraqi people. The US will call this genocide colateral damage. It is ironic that in order to liberate people, as the US government and media state we are going to do, they have to kill hundreds of thousands. The US will destroy most of civilization. A plan has already been set up for this. It is called operation "Shock and Awe." The plan is to pump into Bahgdad as enough patriot missles that it would equal out a nuclear blast. The reason for the name is that the survivors, if there are any, will look out and be in total shock of the destructive force and awe of the power that was unleashed.The obvious result of this plan is mass killings.

I call upon the people of the world to continue to protest. To organize, in order to send a message to all governments that we as a people will not stand for our brothers and sisters in the human race to be destroyed. We want peace in this world and the war mongers of this world no longer have a place in this beautiful world.

I also call upon the people of the US, if the draft is re-instated then show up to the draft board and state to them that you will not fight. You will not join a countries army that tries to commit mass genocide. You will be thrown in jail, but you will have made a statement. Use your person as a statement to the government. We may be required to register for the draft, but in a war that is unjust we will not be used as pawns for your war.