Taking the Pulse
2002-2003 Fall and Winter Quarters

                                SUMMER LETTER:

July 10, 2002


We are writing to all students currently enrolled in the program “Taking the Pulse: Business, Society, and Ethics” to give you some information that may be useful to you as you anticipate our program.  If you want additional information before school begins, please check our Web site which will be available in mid-August.  Our first class is Monday, Sept. 30th at 10 a.m.  The location will be posted on the college’s Web page and our web site as soon as it is finalized.  Our program hours are tentatively:

Monday – 10-noon and 1-3
Tuesday – 10-noon and 1-3
Wednesdays – 9-11 and 11-1
Thursdays – 9-11 and 12:30-2:30
Fridays – individual work day

This schedule might change, given room availability.  You will also need to plan for some time to work in small groups.

We are excited about getting to get started and have developed a good program structure to engage you in serious thinking and practical skill development relevant to interdisciplinary, collaborative work.  So let’s get started.  Below you’ll find the reading list  (some of these books will be used both fall and winter quarters).  Please read Fast Food Nation before the quarter begins. 

We will have an overnight field trip to Camp Panhandle, near Shelton, October 7th and 8th.  Please arrange your schedules to allow time to attend this mandatory activity, and be prepared to pay retreat and meal fees by the end of week 1.  After we know the enrollment, we will let you know the cost.  At any rate, it should be well under $50.  Additionally, one of our faculty members, Cynthia, will be arranging child care for her infant son, and if any of you would like to share her arrangements, please contact her after September 15.  We will tell you more details on the first day of class. 

See you in September. 

Best Wishes, 

Cynthia Kennedy, Dean Olson, and Toska Olson

Fall Quarter Reading List

Schlosser, Fast Food Nation
Heilbroner: Economics Explained
Lomborg: The Skeptical Environmentalist: Measuring the Real State of the World’
Hayek:  The Road to Serfdom
Rawls: The Law of Peoples
Ritzer:  Explorations in the Sociology of Consumption:  Fast Food, Credit Cards and Casinos
Wheatley and Kellner-Rogers:  A Simpler Way
Hosmer:  The Ethics of Management

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