Program Covenants: Responsibilities and Rights of Participants

1) Attend all class meetings on time and thoroughly prepared to participate. If I must miss class because of illness or emergency, I will notify the faculty in advance by email or phone (see home page). Missing more than one class, arriving late or leaving early may result in loss of credit. I understand that I am expected to dedicate approximately 20 hours a week in and out of the classroom with attention focused on my academic work in order to be awarded 8 credit hours.

2) Read all the assigned readings before seminar (except those designated to be read in class), complete and submit all written work and assignments on time. I will do my own work, including all written assignments, journals, and artwork (please consult the College’s policy on plagiarism for further information). All written work will be typed, double-spaced, and proofread before submission. No late work will be accepted (unless necessitated by illness or emergency, and prior arrangements have been made with faculty). All late work must be submitted before the next class meeting. Drafts count the same as any other assignment. An incomplete draft or failure to do a draft will count as a missing assignment. Any modification of assignments must be arranged with faculty ahead of time

3) Attend and participate in all study group activities. Students working on collaborative projects are expected to contribute an equal share of the work. If there are problems on collaborative teams, students will first try to work out the problems within their group directly. If this is not possible, students will promptly let faculty know that mediation of problems would be helpful. Students will evaluate one another’s work in project groups at the end of the quarter.

4) Treat all of my fellow students and faculty with respect, and bide by the principles of the Social Contract and the Sexual Harassment Policy. Rudeness, disrespectful behavior and harassment are not acceptable, and anyone persisting in them will be asked to leave. Anyone in the program who feels offended by someone else, faculty or student, is urged to raise the issue with that person first. The faculty may provide advice, support and even mediation of disputes, but will always encourage discussion of complaints with the people complained about as a first step.

5) If there is something I don't understand about the content of the material or the nature of the assignments, or any other problem with the program, I have the responsibility to raise these issues with the faculty. The student is in charge of his/her own learning, and will inform the faculty promptly when meetings are desired. The student is encouraged to have regular contact with the faculty, and to make good use of posted faculty hours for contact meetings.

6) Write a self-evaluation and a faculty evaluation at the end of the quarter. In order to receive credit for the program, signed, proofread copies of each are to be submitted typed on the required forms, complete and on time. Students are required to meet with faculty for an evaluation conference at a time designated by the faculty.

7) Credit is not the same as positive evaluation. Students receive credit for fulfilling minimum requirements and standards. The evaluation is a statement describing the quality of a student’s work. It is possible for a student to receive credit but to receive an evaluation that describes poor quality work. It is also possible for a student to attend regularly yet receive no credit because of unsatisfactory performance or missing work).

8) The following understandings are agreed upon by all participants of the program:

A. All sincere ideas and questions related to class are valid topics for discussion.

B. I will be an active listener and participant. I will come to seminar prepared with questions and comments.

C. I will be forthcoming and honest in feedback of other’s writing and opinions, criticizing ideas and not personalities.

D. I will take personal responsibility for myself. If I am shy, I will strive to talk. If I am a "talker," I will strive to truly listen to others, and to give others the opportunity to speak.

E. I will accept and respect myself and others. I will strive to understand points of view other than my own, even if I do not agree with them.

F. I will work toward the good of the group as well as for the growth and fulfillment of self.