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Program Covenant

Faculty: Allen Olson and Helena Meyer-Knapp

We are studying how societies educate their young, specifically adolescents, in the values they consider critical. Students will learn about educational theory and ethics by contrasting education in the United States and in Japan, by examining US issues relating to segregation and equality, and by looking ahead to consider the impact of technology on ethics in young people. In this course, education includes learning in school and learning that takes place in the wider society. Students will become more culturally fluent, more skilled at ethical analysis and have practice working in small and large groups. We will also offer intensive practice in writing. Students enrolled for 12 credits have the opportunity and responsibility to design a significant portion of their learning process.

The following are the minimal standards for credit in the program. We assume that students are committed to learning and will therefore aim high and set personal standards that stretch their intellectual, physical and expressive potential.

All students and faculty in this program will:

The minimum bases for awarding credit in this program are:

Credit equivalencies will likely include ethics, education and cross cultural analysis. Those taking 12 credits will also receive additional credit allocated according to the focus of their individual research

All work completed at the upper division level of sophistication and depth will receive upper division credit. Partial Credit will not be awarded for any isolated component of this program -- the learning is integrated and the credit depends on completion of all components of the program.

Assigned work must be completed and submitted on time. Incompletes generally will not be granted, except in unusual circumstances. Any extended deadline must be negotiated with faculty.