Spring Quarter Book List
Biological Science; Scott Freeman
Chemistry: the Study of Matter and its Changes; Brady, Russell and Holum*
ACS General Chemistry Exams-The Official Guide (http://www3.uwm.edu/dept/chemexams/guides/index.cfm)**
Physics of Everyday Phenomena; W. Thomas Griffith
Nine Crazy Ideas in Science; Robert Ehrlich
Deadly Feasts; Richard Rhodes
Prometheans in the Lab; Sharon Bertsch McGrayne
The Periodic Table; Primo Levi
*A password for eGrade comes with the text if purchased through the campus bookstore. If you obtain the book by another method you must order an eGrade password, in addition, from the publishing company
** This book can be ordered at the web site shown. This book could be
shared between two people if you find someone to go in with you on it.
Winter Quarter Book List
Biological Science; Scott Freeman
Chemistry: the Study of Matter and its Changes; Brady, Russell and Holum*
Physics of Everyday Phenomena; W. Thomas Griffith
“Oxygen” A Play in Two Acts; Djerassi & Hoffmann
“The Metamorphosis”; Franz Kafka
Radar, Hula Hoops, and Playful Pigs; Joe Schwarcz
Nine Crazy Ideas in Science; Robert Ehrlich
*A password for eGrade comes with the text if purchased through the
campus bookstore. If you obtain the
book by another method you must order an eGrade password, in
addition, from the publishing company.
Fall Quarter Book List
Biological Science; Scott Freeman
Functions Modeling Change; Gleason, Hughes-Hallet, et.al.
Chemistry: the Study of Matter and its Changes; Brady, Russell and Holum*
Frankenstein; Mary Shelley
Nine Crazy Ideas in Science; Robert Ehrlich
*A password for eGrade comes with the text if purchased through the campus bookstore. If you obtain the book by another method you must order an eGrade password.
The chemistry and biology texts will also be used in Winter and Spring quarter. So do keep a perspective when purchasing your books.
Updated on 3-19-04 by Rebecca Sunderman