Johnny Seoighe



‘S a Johnny Seoighe, tuig mo ghlórtha, ‘S mé tiocht le dóchas fán do dhéin

Oh Johnny Joyce, heed my voice, As I come to you full of hope


Mar is tú an Réalt Eolais is deise lóchrainn, as mo chúile ag Teampall Dé

You are the Star of Knowledge, the brightest beacon in the Temple of God


Is tú bláth na hóige, is binne glórtha, dar leag mo shúil ó rugadh mé

You are the flower of youth, of the finest talk that my eye has seen since I was born


Agus as ucht Chríost, is tabhair dom relief, nó go gcaitear Oíche Nollag féin.

And for the love of Christ, grant me relief, or at least until Christmas Eve is over.




Agus lá arna mhárach a fuair mé an páipéar, ‘s nach mé a bhí sásta, ‘s mé a goil chun siúil

And on the next day I got the piece of paper, and I wasn’t happy, me going on my way


Ach ‘s ní bhfuair mé freagra ar bith an lá sin, ach mo bhean ‘s mo pháistí, is iad amuigh faoin drúcht.

But I got no answer at all that day, but my wife and my children left out under the dew.


Tá mé bruite, dóite, sciúrtha, feannta, liobraithe, gearrtha le neart an tsiúil

I am tired, bitter, lashed, frozen, upset and lacerated with the force of the walking


Is a Mhisther Joyce tá an workhouse lán, is ní ghlacfar ann aon fhear níos mó.

And Mister Joyce, the workhouse is full, and they won’t accept one more man.




‘S nach mór an chlúi do bhaile Chárna, an fhad ‘s tá an lánúin seo a goil thríd

It is a great source of fame to the village of Carna as long as this couple is passing through


‘S gur deis aille scéimh na mná, ná an “Morning Star” nuair a shoilsionn sí

For the woman’s appearance is as fine as the Morning Star when it rises


Tá an bhánríon tinn, is í, lag ina luí, ‘s deir dochtúirí go bhfaighidh sí bás

The queen is ill and lying low, the doctors say that she will die


‘S go bé fios an údair go réir mar deir siad liomsa, nuair nach bhfuil sí póstá le Mister Joyce.

The reason for it all as they said it to me, that she is not married with Mister Joyce.