I am a man of great influence, and educated to a high degree
I came when small from Donegal and my cousin Jimmy came along with me
On the city road I was situated in a lodging house with me brother Dan
Till by perseverance I elevated, and I went to the front like a solid man.

So come with me, and I will treat you dacent
I’ll sit you down and I will fill your can
And along the street all the friends I meet
Say “There goes Muldoon, he’s a solid man.”

At any party or at a raffle, I always go as an invited guest
As conspicuous as the great Lord Mayor, boys, I wear a nosegay upon me chest
And when called upon for to address the meeting, with no regard for clique or clan
I read the Constitution with great elocution, because you see, I am a solid man.


I control the Tombs, I control the island, my constituents they all go there
To enjoy their summer’s recreation and take the enchanting East River air
I am known in Harlem, I’m known in Jersey, I am welcomed hearty at every hand
And come what may on St. Patrick’s Day, I march away like a solid man.
