SEMINAR DAY/TIME: Mondays 4-7 p.m., bring a sack dinner with you if necessary
Note: You do NOT have to come to seminar the week of your school's spring break.
Last Seminar: Monday May 23, 2005
Due Weekly:
1. Weekly Overview: Fill in the whole day for each day of the week. Highlight what you are teachingDue Each Observation:
2. 2 Lesson plans for given criteria each week: 1 best and 1 to be improved
3. Critique for each plan: use rubric to identify what makes it best, needing improvement, identify areas for change
4. Weekly reflection
5. Emerging assignments may also be given in seminar each week
1. 3 ring binder with ALL lesson plans and post teaching reflections
2. Grade book, or assessment tracking records
3. Examples of written feedback to students*
*Note: if you aren't giving written feedback, you need to document in some way how you are giving feedback to students, for instance a video tapeOther Major Assignments:
- VIDEOTAPED LESSON: Each person will be required to video tape and self critique at least one lesson during the quarter. Arrangements for due dates will be made in individual seminars.
- MINI LESSON: Each person will be required to teach one 10-minute mini lesson to be used in interviews during weeks 5, 6, 7, or 8
- CULTURAL ENCAPSULATION: Due Monday May 9, 2005
- EALR PROJECT: Due Friday May 27, 2005
- FINAL PRESENTATION ALBUM: Due Friday May 27, 2005