You have 10 minutes to summarize the following points:

You want to PRACTICE a concise and coherent presentation of the points below in an engaging way that stays within the time limit.

  1. Introduce yourself, your topic, and what motivated you to choose this topic
  2. Question of the Study, and why it is important/relevant to study (rationale)
  3. Results of the Study (as you report this, remember to keep in the strengths and weaknesses of the studies so that you are reporting as accurately as you can)
  4. What are the Implications for Teaching
  5. What are the Suggestions for Future Research
  6. Indicate how these findings will influence you personally as a teacher.

You must also have a VISUAL ORGANIZER for your presentation.

This means: charts, graphs, venn diagram, T-chart-- Something that shows the relationships of the main ideas in the study

This DOES NOT mean: an outline or a series of bulleted points