1 What is the character and fitness supplement?

FORM SPI/CERT 4020B is a background questionnaire which enables applicants for certification to report any arrest data or other information related to moral character/fitness.

2 Who is required to fill out a character and fitness supplement?

This moral character/background check is mandatory for all candidates for certification who do not hold a valid certificate at the time of application.

3 What do you mean by arrest record?

Any violation of the law which results in an arrest, criminal citation or fingerprinting. The Office of Professional Practices will conduct an investigation, to determine if any information exists which would disqualify the candidate for certification.

4 I had an incident when I was a minor, but the judge said the record would be erased when I became 18…Do I have to report it?

Yes. After investigation, it is possible that this incident would not disqualify you for certification, but knowingly giving false information could in itself become a basis for disqualification.