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Some links to sites associtated with the text: The Inner Lives of Immigrant Children

It appears that Igoa has published only one book. I don't think she has a web site and I didn't find a picture of her. There weren't many other web resources from Google.

What the Publisher Has to Say

Diveristy Kit: A workshop about cultural identity. It looks useful

A Course Outline from Valdosta University that uses the text.

A Course Syllabus from Utah State Univeristy.


The Only Two Reviews on Amazon

A Review of Text from a commerical website that also has a couple of other books in the same area that look interesting

I found an article by Igoa on ERIC. It appears to have been published in 1999 and has the same basic title as the book.

Abstract of her Dissertation, Written in 1990

Igoa wrote a chapter in the book: Invisible Children in the Society and Its Schools (Sociocultural, Political, and Historical Studies in Education)
by Sue Books

Her chapter is called Art as a Second Language.

She wrote a chapter of the book:
Cristina Igoa “Second Language literacy and Immigrant Children”. The Power of the Two Languages Macmillan/Mc. Graw-Hill School Publishing Comp. New York, 1993. (pp. 37)
But neither our library nor Summit seems to have it.

Here is a reference to a book that might be relevant

Howard, Gary R. (1999)
We Can’t Teach What We Don’t Know: White
Teachers, Multicultural Schools
Teachers College Press: NY, NY
Widely-cited work of introspection and analysis by
a white teacher committed to ethnic harmony in
the schools.

For those who are interested in current research in ESL, here is a link to a catalog for the Journal of Applied Linguistic that has a lot of stuff in it about the topic.