State of Washington Performance-Based Pedagogy Assessment of Teacher Candidates

Observation Scoring Rubric

Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 180-78A-270 RESIDENCY STANDARDS

Written Instructional Plan The plan will demonstrate the teacher candidate’s ability to:

At Standard

Below Standard


1.1 The state learning goals and

Essential Academic Learning

Requirements (EALRs). [a]

1.2 The subject matter content for the area(s) they teach, including relevant methods course work and the essential areas of study for each endorsement for which the candidate is applying. [b]

�� Select appropriate EALRs, district and classroom goals.

�� Construct learning targets that are central to the disciplines of study; meaningful, important, accurate; and incorporate a multicultural perspective.

�� Students work on assignments with understanding of the learning targets.

�� Students are learning the key skills and concepts needed to reach the learning targets. �� Students are engaged in activities appropriate to the discipline.

�� Students work on assignments with limited knowledge of the learning targets

�� Students have limited opportunities to learn the key skills and concepts needed to reach the learning targets.

�� Students participate in meaningless activities or activities unrelated to the discipline.


2. Effective instructional strategies for students at all levels of academic abilities and talents. [o]

�� Select appropriate learning strategies that support continuous intellectual, social, and emotional growth.

�� Address students’ prior knowledge and skills appropriate to the learning targets and incorporate content relevant to students’ experiences and developmental levels.

�� Design strategies that engage lowstatus/ historically marginalized students.

�� Students work on developmentally appropriate assignments based on their prior knowledge, demonstration of prerequisite skills, and ability to perform the requirements of the task.

�� Students are engaged in opportunities to learn concepts in the plan.

�� Students progress through gradelevel required content with little differentiation of requirements or activities based on student readiness and ability level.

�� Low-status/historically marginalized students are rarely engaged in opportunities to learn concepts in the instructional plan.


3. Instructional strategies – developing critical thinking and problem solving skills. [p]

�� Provide evidence of how lessons will develop critical thinking and problem solving skills of students, including those considered lowstatus, historically marginalized.

�� Students have opportunities to develop critical thinking and problem solving skills.

�� Some students, such as low-status, historically marginalized students, have limited opportunities to develop critical thinking and problem solving skills.


Candidate _______________________________________ Supervisor _____________________________________ Date _______________________

School _______________________________ Cooperating Teacher ______________________________________ Grade Level(s) ___________________________

A project of WACTE in collaboration with OSPI



Instructional Plan

At Standard

Below Standard


4.1 Different student approaches to learning. [m]

4.2 Areas of exceptionality and learning including, but not limited to, learning disabilities, visual and perceptual difficulties, and special physical or mental challenges. [n]

�� Use multiple approaches to learning, including those that are culturally responsive.

�� Describe appropriate accommodations for the specific learning needs of students in the classroom.

�� Students practice key skills and concepts using strategies reflecting their diverse learning approaches and multiple academic abilities.

�� Students are engaged in learning tasks that are culturally appropriate and meet their learning needs.

�� Students receive teacher support to demonstrate academic competence.

�� Students practice key skills and concepts in the same way with little differentiation based on learning needs.

�� Low-status/historically marginalized and special needs students are rarely engaged in learning opportunities

�� Low-status/historically marginalized and special needs students rarely receive teacher support to demonstrate academic competence.


5. Planning and management of instruction based on knowledge of the content area, the community and curriculum goals. [s]

�� Create interdisciplinary connections with other subject areas. �� Provide evidence of a multicultural perspective.

�� Students are engaged in tasks that provide interdisciplinary connections with other subject areas.

�� Students are engaged in tasks that provide multicultural perspectives that are culturally relevant.

�� Students participate in tasks that focus on a single discipline without making connections to other subject areas.

�� Students participate in tasks that represent limited cultural perspectives.


6. Research and experience-based principles of effective practice for encouraging intellectual, social, and personal development of students. [l]

�� Create learning opportunities for students to work individually and in different group arrangements, including heterogeneous groups that build and recognize academic competence for lowstatus/ historically marginalized students.

�� Students experience a variety of learning strategies. �� Students engage in a variety of learning experiences including cooperative, heterogeneous, and independent activities that build and recognize academic competence.

�� Students use primarily a single

strategy while practicing their learning. �� Student work is primarily done in isolation.


7. Individual and group motivation for encouraging positive social integration, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation. [ri]

�� Use strategies to create an inclusive, supportive learning community.

�� Outline clear behavioral expectations that involve students in becoming intrinsically motivated and engaged in their own learning.

�� Students are actively engaged in learning tasks.

�� Students interact with other students in the learning community. �� Students are allowed to express their opinions and suggestions regarding their own learning.

�� Students are rarely actively engaged in learning tasks. �� Students have

limited opportunities to interact with other students in the learning community. �� Students have little or no input regarding their own learning.


A project of WACTE in collaboration with OSPI


Instructional Plan

At Standard

Below Standard


8. Educational technology including the use of computer and other technologies in instruction, assessment, and professional productivity. [x]

�� Use technology to support and enhance instruction and student learning.

�� Students have the opportunity to learn through varied and engaging technologies.

�� Students rarely have the opportunity to learn with varied technologies.


9. Formal and informal assessment strategies for evaluating and ensuring the continuous intellectual, social, and physical development of the learner. [t]

�� Align assessment strategies with learning target(s).

�� Include formal and informal assessment strategies, including opportunities for self-assessment.

�� Create appropriate assessment criteria and describe how assessment information will be communicated to students.

�� Explain how pre- and postassessment data will be used to design instruction and document a positive impact on student learning.

�� Students engage in a variety of assessments that measure their performance

relative to the learning targets. �� Students receive feedback regarding their performance relative to the learning targets.

�� Students have limited opportunities to engage in assessments that measure their performance relative to the learning targets.

�� Students receive limited feedback regarding their performance relative to the learning targets.


10. Classroom management and discipline. [r]

�� Describe procedures for handling materials and supplies.

�� Provide a clear outline of management tasks and methods of monitoring students that are democratic and caring.

�� Outline clear behavioral expectations that involve students in becoming intrinsically motivated and engaged in their own learning.

�� Students find, use, and return classroom materials respectfully and efficiently with regard for order and others.

�� Students are fairly and equitably disciplined.

�� Students move between learning tasks in an efficient manner.

�� Students positively respond to teacher suggestions and interventions in order to make adjustments to appropriate learning behaviors.

�� Students are engaged in democratic classroom management practices.

�� Students use the classroom space and materials with little regard for order and others.

�� Some students, such as low-status, historically marginalized students, are disproportionately disciplined in comparison to other students.

�� Students have limited success changing from one learning task to another without disruptions in the flow of learning.

�� Students demonstrate little or no response to interventions.

�� Students have limited opportunities to experience democratic classroom management practices.


A project of WACTE in collaboration with OSPI


Instructional Plan

At Standard

Below Standard


11. Effective verbal, nonverbal communication for fostering active inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interactions in the classroom. [rii]

�� Outline steps for assuring an inclusive, supportive learning community.

�� Students interact positively with each other and respond to consistent and explicit encouragement.

�� Students are engaged in learning community tasks that foster active inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interactions.

�� Students interact negatively with each other and do not respond to encouragement.

�� Low-status historically marginalized students are rarely included in learning community tasks that foster active inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interactions.


12. Create instructional opportunities adapted to learners from diverse cultural or linguistic backgrounds. [m]

�� Describe how instructional methods, curriculum, and assessment incorporate a multicultural perspective and are culturally responsive to students of color, immigrant children, and students from lower socioeconomic families.

�� Include transformative, multicultural academic knowledge (rather than only additive content). �� Describe how first language and English acquisition are both supported and taught when appropriate.

�� Describe how knowledge of students and students’ community are used as frameworks and supports for activities, resources, and learning strategies.

�� Students use learning materials and engage in learning tasks that incorporate a multicultural perspective.

�� Students demonstrate mutual respect through listening to and expressing divergent, multicultural perspectives.

�� Students use learning materials and engage in learning tasks that primarily represent the dominant culture.

�� Students have limited opportunities to demonstrate mutual respect through listening to and expressing divergent, multicultural perspectives.


13. Effective interactions with parents to support students’ learning and well-being. [v]

�� Create a plan for collaboration with families to support student learning that uses personal contact, e.g., telephone, home visit, and/or written message.

�� Families have opportunities to engage in relevant and culturally appropriate communication or activities to support student learning.

�� Families have limited opportunities to engage in relevant and culturally appropriate communication about the learning progress of their children.


Candidate Signature ______________________________________ Supervisor Signature __________________________________ Date ________________A Project of WACTE in collaboration with OSPI