The New Republic

Audrey P., James, Kelli, Pam, Robin


Assessment Questions

What role did faculty psychology play in moral reforms and the development of schools during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century?

Faculty psychology says that there are different parts of the mind, one being the “moral faculty.”  The environment was thought to be an important factor in shaping the moral faculty, and so the school environment was developed to improve moral character.

Contrast the role of education before and after the American Revolution.

Prior to the American Revolution, education was viewed as a way to shape a good citizen and reform society.  After the revolution education was seen as a way to prepare an individual to lead a good life and to confirm and confer status. 

In the period between 1776 and 1830, what did the dominant culture perceive as potential or real problems regarding mass immigrations?  What role or roles did the institution of school play? 

Potential or real problems: 

Crime and poverty

Breakdown of the family/correct problems of failure of family

Children on the streets become criminals

Moral breakdown

Allow education to all social classes

Role of School:

Educate large numbers of students efficiently

Correct problems caused by the failure of parental government

Keep children off the streets – out of contact with criminal elements

Develop moral character

Learn to be industrious