Kohl Questions : To add questions to this list, email Masao

  1. Why do you think the faculty chose this book?
  2. What would you say is the primary focus of each of the essays?  Is it Teaching, Learning or Schooling?  Why do think so?
  3. What would be your approach, as a teacher, to kids who won’t learn from you?
  4. What is your stand on “political correctness?”  Did Kohl cause you to have second thoughts about it?
  5. Starting on page 61 of "Tattooed Man" Kohl described what he thinks teachers should do. How does his view of teachers compare to the one being build in this program?
  6. The essay "Excellence, Equality and Equity" can be interpreted to be about the cultural filters that are on display in "some" texts and some teachers. Do you recognize any of them?
  7. The first half of the essay "Uncommon Differences" is about political correctness. What is your take on the subject?
  8. After reading how bad the "education system" is in general, what is your reaction?


A couple of thoughts I had as I read:

  1. The second half of "Uncommon Differences" is sharply critical of Hirsch. In case you think Hirsh is some crack pot who doesn't deserve our attention any way, here are a couple of web sites about him .
    1. http://www-hoover.stanford.edu/bios/hirsch.html
    2. Core Knowledge home page
    3. PBS article
    4. Article by Hirsch
    5. A critique of educational research by Hirsch
  2. The first third of the essay "Creative Maladjustment" seemed to me to be some common sense suggestions to beginning teachers. The middle was about teaching hearing impaired children and had the same feeling about it as his example of the school in Texas. The last part was a cautionary tale for me. It made me think about my own filters.