Vignette Cafe

Read vignette (2 min)


You are the Goldburg Triplets. School was just a half-day because of parent-teacher conferences so there were no school lunches. Your parents, who are proud of the creative schoolwork you all do, gave you each $10 to have lunch at the local café. You are all just starving and need some food, a drink and would like dessert if you can afford it.


You each receive a promotional coupon as you enter the café. The stipulation is one coupon per guest check. You may request separate checks or one check for all. You are all hoping to eat well and still have some change left to play the video game near the café entrance.


Please work together on the following and show work on separate sheet of paper

  1. How can you get the most for your coupons and money? Please explain your reasoning. (7 min)
  2. Remember to estimate the tax (8.4%) and the tip (15%) before ordering. The owner is known for making customers do dishes when they don’t have enough money to cover their check. Please explain how you did your estimations. (5 min.)


  1. Double check your bill



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