How Our Curriculum Addresses

the Essential Academic Learning Requirements

 for Mathematics

1.1 understand and apply concepts and procedures from number sense number and numeration, computation, and estimation

Number and Numeration: Demonstrate understanding of integers, fractions, decimals, percents, place value of decimals, and properties of the rational number system using pictures and symbols.

Number and Numeration: Compare and order integers, fractions, and decimals.

Computation: Understand operations on nonnegative rational numbers.

·         Students will use addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division during all four of these activities.

Computation: Add, subtract, multiply, and divide nonnegative fractions and decimals using rules for order of operation.

Computation:  Use mental arithmetic, pencil and paper, calculator, or computer as appropriate to the task involving nonnegative rational numbers.

Estimation: Use estimation to predict computation results and to determine the reasonableness of answers involving nonnegative rational numbers, for example, estimating a tip.

1.5 understand and apply concepts and procedures from algebraic sense  relations and representations, and operations

Representations: Use variables to write simple expressions, equations, and inequalities, for example, 3x > 18.

Operations: Solve single-variable equations.

2.2 formulate questions and define the problem

Identify missing or extraneous information.

Define problems in new situations.

Identify the known and unknown in new situations.

Organize relevant information from multiple sources.

2.3 construct solutions by choosing the necessary information and using the appropriate mathematical tools

Select and use appropriate mathematical tools.

Apply viable strategies and appropriate concepts and procedures to construct a solution.

3.1 analyze information from a variety of sources; use models, known facts, patterns and relationships to validate thinking

Compare, contrast, and interpret information from a variety of sources.

4.1 gather information read, listen, and observe to access and extract mathematical information

Develop and follow a plan for collecting information.

4.2 organize and interpret information

Organize and clarify mathematical information by reflecting, verbalizing, discussing, or writing.

Explain or represent mathematical ideas and information in ways appropriate for audience and purpose.

·         Students will be recording their work, and reflecting on their strategies and experiences in their math journals after the activities.

5.1 relate concepts and procedures within mathematics recognize relationships among mathematical ideas and topics

Recognize the widespread use of mathematics in daily life and the extensive use of mathematics outside the classroom, for example, in banking or sports statistic

·         Students will use mathematics to calculate their bill at a restaurant, to buy school clothes, and to adapt a recipe.

5.3 relate mathematical concepts and procedures to real-life situations

understand the connections between mathematics and problem solving skills used every day at work and at home

Investigate the use of mathematics within several occupations/careers of interest.

·         Students will discover the necessity for understanding how to manipulate fractions, percentages, and decimals in (a) restaurant industry, (b) culinary arts, and (c) home economist.