TITLE:Puzzling with Pentominoes
CONTENT AREAS: Mathematics,
adjusted for all grades K – 12, our lesson will focus on 4-5th
for each pair, graph paper as attached, coloring utensils (pencils, markers,
crayons), glue
Congruence, Line Symmetry, Area, Perimeter
Math 1.2 - Understand concepts
of perimeter, area and volume.
Math 1.3 – Understand and apply
concepts from geometric sense.
Math 1.4 – Understand and apply
concepts from probability and statistics.
Math 1.5 – Understand and apply
concepts from algebraic sense.
Math 2.1 - Investigate situations.
Math 2.3 – Construct solutions.
Math 3.3 – Draw conclusions
and verify results.
Math 4.1 - Gather information—read, listen, and observe to access and extract mathematical
Math 4.2 - Organize and interpret
Math 4.3 - Represent and share
information—express and explain mathematical ideas using language
and notation in ways appropriate for audience and purposes.
Math 5.3 - Relate
mathematical concepts and procedures to real-life situations and understand
the connections between mathematics and problem-solving skills used everyday
at work and at home.
Communication 3.1 - Use language
to interact effectively and responsibly with others.
Communication 3.2 -Work cooperatively
as a member of a group.
Communication 3.3 -Seek agreement
and solutions through discussion.
GOALS: For the student to manipulate pentominoes, find a relationship
between 2-D and 3-D, develop and discover spatial perception, develop problem
solving, give them a better understanding of area and perimeter, group cooperation,
and develop note taking skills.
- The students will construct pentominoes with their
own understanding of putting shapes and puzzles together.
- The students will learn the basic history behind
- The students will discover shapes, patterns and
then construct a 3-D box.
- The students will understand that pentominoes have
the same area. All 12 pentominoes put together in different shapes will
also have the same area.
- The students will be able to share their creation
with their peers and communicate their findings.
- The students will take notes on key terms of geometry.
- Arrange on tables sets of 5 squares at each chair,
with chairs arranged in pairs. Instruct students to sit at one of the “stations”.
The stations also include 2 pieces of graph paper, a puzzle grid, a 1-inch
square grid, vocabulary sheet, glue, scissors, and markers. Instruct them
to play with the squares and find as many shapes as they can with these.
- Ask students to find shapes with the square sides
touching each other.
- After they have played around for a time, tell
them to trace each shape they find onto the graph paper. Color your shapes.
Then cut them out. Discuss congruence.
- “What could these shapes be called?” (Let students
answer) A man named Solomon W. Golomb “invented” pentominoes in 1953.
He came up with the name, but the puzzle was published in 1907 in the Canterbury
- “How many shapes did you come up with?” “Do there
seem to be any patterns?” Have groups share the shapes that they found.
When one shape is found, display the corresponding “big” pentominoe on the
board. Do this until all 12 shapes are found. “Are there any more shapes?
Why aren’t there anymore? How do you know?”
- “Which shapes can you make a box with? (3-D)” Let
students explore this. And report out their answers.
- “With these 12 pentominoes, what would the area
of each of them be?” “What is the perimeter of the pentominoes?” They are
do not have the same perimeter, but have the same area.
- “Can you make another shape with combining all
12 of your pentominoes?”
- You have in front of you, another graph sheet of
paper. This is a puzzle grid. Try and put all your pentominoes into this
- What area would it have? What would the perimeter
- Then have students share their shape with the class.
- If the students desire, glue their puzzle together.
Or if they want to make another shape, allow them to create another shape
with their pentominoes.
- Analyze why certain people got the shapes they
did. How about the area? Is the area of all of these shapes the same?
Why would all the areas of these shapes be the same?
- Discuss the beautiful collage of color that each
shape made.
- How could this information be used in their lives
"Besides its intrigue as a puzzle, the
placement of pentominoes on a checkerboard also makes it an exciting competitive
game of skill. Played by two or three players, the object of the game is to
be the last player to place a pentominoe piece on the checkerboard. Players
take turns choosing a piece and placing it on the board. The pieces must not
overlap or extend beyond the boundary of the board, but they do not have to
be adjacent. The game will last at least five, and at the most twelve moves.