Height Average

OVERVIEW:  The theory of probability is an important branch of mathematics with many practical applications in the physical, medical, biological and social sciences.  An understanding of this theory is essential to understand weather reports, medical findings, political doings and the state lotteries.  Students have many misconceptions about probability situations.
PURPOSE:  The purpose of this activity, is to begin the process of helping students to learn the basic principles of probability.
OBJECTIVES:  As a result of this activity the student will:
1.       predict outcome
2.      take a measurement
3.      collect data (table)
4.      interpret data ( range, mode, median)
5.      display data (graph)
RESOURCES, MATERIALS:  measure tape affixed to wall, ruler, pencils, student instructions.
1.       Instructions on activity sheet.
2.      Students will select a partner to measure him/her using the tape and ruler at station Average Station.
3.      Students will list his/her height on the master chart located next to the measuring tape.  Males will write their height in blue.  Females will write their height in green.
4.      Without doing any calculations, students will answer prediction questions on activity sheet.
1.  Use this as an introduction to a unit on probability.
2.  Follow-up with discussion about what medium, mean, and mode are and how these ideas are used in the world.
3.  Do the actual averages on chart for boys, girls, and all.  Compare to national average.
(Directions @ station)
Height Average
               Stand with your back against the measurement tape affixed to the wall.  Have your partner measure your height by placing the ruler flat on the top of your head.  Round your height to the nearest whole inch.  (Over half round up.  Under half round down.)
List your height on the chart provided.  
Girls write your height in green.  
Boys write your height in blue.
               Without doing any calculations, answer the following questions:
1.       What is the average female height in the class?
2.      What is the average male height in the class?
3.      What is the over-all height of the class?
4.      Is this above, below, or at the national average?






/ by # of participants

(Handed out after students have answered their questions and posted their heights)

According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the average U.S. woman is 5' 3.7 (162 centimeters) tall and weighs 152 pounds (69 kilograms). This corresponds to a Body Mass Index of 26.3 kilograms/meters², which is slightly less than the average man's.

The average American woman is tall enough for an astronaut (minimum height, 4' 10.5) but falls short of the average Miss America winner (5' 6.5) and is about the same height as the shortest president (James Madison, 5' 4).

By the way, the average U.S. male stands 5' 9.1 tall and weighs 180 pounds, with a Body Mass Index of 26.5 kg/m².