Statistics & Probability

Listed below are a series of questions which are to be answered to the best of your ability with the knowledge that you have at this time.

1.)    En que estacion tenemos en nuestra clase lo mas cumpleanos?_________________­____ (para los que conocen bien el espanol, lo siento que no hay accentos) En que mesa tenemos en nuestra clase lo mas cumpleanos? _______________________

2.)  En que dia tenemos en nuestra clase lo mas cumpleanos? _____________

3.)  How many heads ______& how many tails_____ will you get if you flip a penny 20 times?

4.)  What is the average height of girls in this class? _________________

5.)  What is the average height of boys in this class? _________________

6.)  What’s the mean height of the class? __________________________

7.)  Do you think it is above or below the national average? ___________

8.)  In a game of “Rock, Paper, Scissors” will “Rock,” “Paper,” or “Scissors” win the most games?_________________________________________

9.)  If there are 6 prizes that come with your favorite box of cereal, how many boxes do you have to eat to get all 6 of the prizes? ____________

10.)           What’s the most common color of Skittles? ______________________

11.)What is the average number of games it would take to win a 7 game World Series? ______

12.)           How many people in our class have blue eyes? ____________________

13.)           How many people in our class have green/hazel eyes? ____________

14.)           How many people in our class have brown eyes? ________________

15.)           How many people in our class wear glasses/contacts? ____________

16.)           How many people in our class have black hair? _________________

17.)           How many people in our class have no hair? ____________________

18.)           How many people in our class have gray hair? __________________

19.)           How many people in our class have brown hair? _________________

20.)         How many people in our class have blond hair? __________________

21.)           How many people in our class have colored/dyed hair? ____________

22.)         What is the most common type of animal that our class owns? _______________________