Winter 2005 Books

Required for ALL:

Hersch, Patricia.  (1998). A Tribe Apart.  A Journey into the Heart of American Adolescence.  Ballantine.  ISBN#  0-345-43594-X pbk.

Quinn, Michael J.  (2005).  Ethics for the Information Age.  Pearson Educational Inc.  ISBN#0-321-1-19434-9 pbk.

Taytum, Beverly.  (2003).  Why Do All the Black Kids Sit Together in the Cafeteria? And other Conversations About Race:  A Psychologist Explains Racial Identity, Revised Edition.    Basic Books.  ISBN# 0465083617 pbk.

Vaughn, Sharon.  (2003).  Teaching Exceptional, Diverse, and At-Risk Students.  3rd Edition.  Allyn & Bacon.  ISBN# 0-205-34271-X pbk.

* Please PAY ATTENTION to ISBN #'s when ordering from other places to make sure you get the RIGHT EDITION!!

** Also, be prepared to buy, or borrow from libraries other materials you will individually need for personal development  plans--which you WILL be developing as part of your winter quarter's work.