Foundations of Public Policy
4 credits    Wednesday 6-10p -    ROOM: Lab I, 1040
Joan Bantz an introduction Office: LAB I, 3011  e-mail:
Phone: 360-867-5095 MY HOMEPAGE Syllabus 

Prerequisites: Graduate standing. Undergraduates must have junior standing or above.


This course acknowledges there is not a grand theory or design of policy formulation. Building on theoretical foundations that deconstruct common assumptions, we will examine how public policy is imagined, created, implemented and evaluated through exploring various policy arenas. Encouraging dialogue and web-based communication tools we will explore how public policy is analyzed and held accountable within the current cultural, social, economic and political environment. We will examine the roles of public administrators and public administration in the policy process and deconstruct/deterritorialize common assumptions and
about politics and policy in order to reconstruct policy perspectives that are just, equitable, and democratic.


Birkland, Thomas A. (2001). An Introduction to the Policy Process: Theories, Concepts, and Models of Public Policy Making,  Sharpe, M.e., Inc.; ISBN: 0765604183

Dye, Thomas R. (September 1, 2001). Top Down Policymaking,  Chatham House Publishers; ISBN: 1889119334

Clemons, Randall S. and Mark K. McBeth (2000).  Public Policy Praxis - Theory and Pragmatism: A Case Approach. Prentice Hall;  ISBN: 0130258822.

Fischer, Frank (May 2003) Reframing Public Policy: Discursive Politics and Deliberative Practices. Oxford University Press; ISBN: 019924264X

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