this page will contain links to websites related to our studies.

feel free to suggest additions to the list at any time by emailing steven:


this page will also contain downloadable files, usually in adobe acrobat or microsoft word format. (if you don't have the latest version of acrobat, go to for a free copy)

some of these files will be required readings.

please consult faculty or computer center aids if you have trouble downloading or opening files.

go to jstor to find all kinds of fun stuff

for week three wednesday readings, find articles online through jstor by following the instructions below...

instructions for wednesday, october 15 readings

OR download pdfs:

(pdf files) - large files: download only through high speed connection!

worster article Transformations of the Earth

crosby An Enthusiastic Second

cronon Modes of Prophecy and Production

white Environmental History, Ecology, and Meaning

merchant Gender and Environmental History

cronon Modes of Prophecy and Production

pyne Firestick History

worster2 Seeing Beyond Culture