!One of our texts for week 9 is out of print and WILL NOT be in the bookstore. Fortunately, it is widely available and cheap online.

search for:

Ecoscam, Ronald Bailey

on half.com, powells.com, alibris.com, etc,

condensed book scedule for download and printing :

bookschedule pdf


order and chaos may change at any time

WEEK ONE: Re-Grounding: Place, Art, & Nature

MONDAY (1/5): The Great Northwest: the search for regional identity

READ: "Regionalism and Regional Identity" and Epilogue (pp. 47-120 & 158-182)

WEDNESDAY (1/7): Reenchantment of Art, Suzi Gablik


WEEK TWO: Philosophical Inquiry

MONDAY (1/12): Discourse on the Origin of Inequality, J.J. Rousseau

WEDNESDAY (1/14): Civilization and its Discontents, Sigmund Freud


WEEK THREE: Strange Lands, Profound Nature

MONDAY (1/19): Holiday

WEDNESDAY (1/21): Arctic Dreams, Barry Lopez


WEEK FOUR: ...Strange Lands, Profound Nature

MONDAY (1/26): Arabian Sands, Wilfred Thesiger

WEDNESDAY (1/28): Wind, Sand, and Stars, Antoine de Saint Exupery


WEEK FIVE: Values and Loss

MONDAY (2/2): Farewell to Matyora, Valentin Rasputin

WEDNESDAY (2/4): Spell of the Sensuous, David Abram


WEEK SIX: Return to Wonder

MONDAY (2/9): Galapagos, Kurt Vonnegut

WEDNESDAY (2/11): Mr Wilson's Cabinet of Wonders, Lawrence Weschler


WEEK SEVEN: Mice, Men, Mountains, Machines

MONDAY (2/16): Holiday

WEDNESDAY (2/18): Guns, Germs, & Steel, Jared Diamond

READ: 9-130; 157-214; 239-281; 354-375; 405-425


WEEK EIGHT:Humans, Societies, & Transformations of the Natural World

MONDAY (2/23): Seeing like a State, James C Scott

READ:1-52; 103-146; 223-345

WEDNESDAY (2/25): What are People for?, Wendell Berry


WEEK NINE:Ecocide/Ecoscam

MONDAY (3/1): End of Nature, Barry McKibben

WEDNESDAY (3/3): Ecoscam, Ronald Bailey; Ucommon Ground, 82-83; 182-185


WEEK TEN:The World Outiside

MONDAY (3/8): Landscape and Memory, Steven Schama

READ: 3-19; 61-100; 142-153; 179-242; 362-374; 385-446; 526-538; 546-560; 571-578

WEDNESDAY (3/10): Future of Life, E.O. Wilson