WINTER READINGS I'll add author's names soon...

the order of books is general. The numbers indicate weeks. The titles of the weeks (italicized) are tentative. This list may be subject to changes, additions and subtractions.


1 Expanding vision, metaphors, histories, cultures

Landscape and memory

2...and expanding
...Landscape and memory
Civilization and its Discontents

Discourse on the Origin of Inequality

3 Adventurous, exotic, strange & wondrous histories
Wind sand stars
Arabian Sands
Arctic Dreams

4 Loss and what we've Lost

Spell of the Sensuous
Farewell to Matyora

5 Return to Wonder
Cabinet of wonders

6 Politics & technology
Seeing like a State
What are People for?

7 Environmentalism & culture: problematic dialogues
End of Nature
Something like "EcoScam" (TBA)

8…Seeking real reasons

Future of Life
Reenchantment of Art

9 History will teach us nothing?
Guns, Germs, & Steel

10 Synthesis

Student work