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Mozart, Don Giovanni (selections)

For the writing assignement due Feb. 12, here are selections that are mostly sung by one singer, rather than an ensemble. As you listen, consider the dramatic situation and how Mozart has set the text (and that situation) to music. What do you hear that conveys the emotional message of the aria? Describe what you hear, using Shafer's vocabulary, metaphor, or musical terms... anything that works. See if you can show how what you hear relates to what you understand. (E.g. if Donna Elvira expresses anger, what features in the music convey that?)

These are .mp3 files. The texts are identified by Act and scene. (The page numbers refer to the libretto handed out, but you will have to write in the page numbers.)

Read the entire scene, then reread the text of the selection. Listen, following the text as well as you can. Practice will help with this.


Act I

scene V (p.4)
Leporello, "Madamina, il catalogo..."

scene VIII (p. 5)
Masetto, "Oh capito, signor, si!"

scene X (p. 6)
Donna Elvira, "Ah! fuggi il traditor!"

scene XIV (p. 8)
Don Ottavio, "Dalla sua pace..."

scene XV (p. 9)
Don Giovanni, "Finch'han del vino..."

scene XVI (p. 9)
Zerlina, "Batti, batti, o bel Masetto"

Act II

scene III (p. 15)
Don Goivanni, "Deh vieni alla finestra"

scene VII (p. 16)
Zerlina, "Vedrai, carino"

scene XD (p.19)
Donna Elvira, "In quali eccessi, o numi" and "Mi tradi quell'alma ingrata"

scene XII (p. 21)
Don Ottavio and Donna Anna, "Calmatevi, idol mio" (recitative)
Donna Anna, "Crudele? Ah, no, mio bene." (recitative)
Donna Anna, "Non mi dir, bell 'idol mio" (aria)
Don Ottavio, "Ah, si segua il suo passo" (recitative)

scene XIII (p. 21-22)
Finale (first part)

Don Giovanni, Leporello, Donna Elvira

"Già la mensa e preparata"
"L'ultima prova dell-amor mio"
"Che grido è questo mai?"
"Don Giovanni, a cenar teco"
"Da qual tremore insolito"

Shortly, I will post further selections, particularly some of the ensembles (--Chuck)


The Evergreen State College
Last Updated: 03/20/2004