Student Originated Software – Fall 2003

Week 6 Assignments

November 3-7



OOP lecture as usual

OOAD Take Home MidTerm Distributed; due Wednesday at 11am

NO 1-3 Workshop this week (time to work on MidTerm Take-Home).



OOP Lab as pe usual

Sherri Team Meetings 1-3 in Lab I 1047: 

1:00 – Concurrency

1:30 – Engine Mgmt

1:50 – Paper Airplane

2:10 – 3D Game

2:30 – IRCD (if Greg wants an additional consult)



OOAD  in class midterm (at 11am)

OOP lecture as usual (but at 12:10)



Seminar   Things That Make Us Smart, Ch 6-10.  We will meet as one group.

1-3  (Faculty Retreat) Time Available for Project Team Meetings


due Thursday at 5pm, unless you’ve already handed them in:

Use case detail and either collaboration or sequence diagrams for two EU-Lease Use Cases.




Friday November 6

Paper #2 due by 5pm.  Sample questions to write on :


1. Discuss if UML is a good mental artifact. Consider its role as a way to extend our mental capacities, as suggested in the text.


2. Does software provide good artifacts? If so, in what way? If not could it?


3. Discuss the role that an IDE has in software development. What kind of metaphor does it provide?


These questions are really all related. For instance, if you believe that an IDE is a useful artifact, an IDE itself is a piece of software. If we consider that artifacts may be combined to produce further artifacts, we might consider an IDE+UML as one larger artifact.