Student Originated Software – Fall 2003

Week 9 Assignments  December 1-5

Thursday, November 19:

10-12 Seminar: Cathedral and the Bazaar (in one group)

1-2          Case Study Team Meetings

2-3               Year-Long Project Meetings

1-3          Sherri will be available for consult in/around Lib 1505/7


Friday, November 20:

Email to your updated project descriptions, and budget requests for the NCIIA proposal. 


By Friday, November 20:   email Judy if your status for December 5th field trip has changed from “probably” to “yes”, or vice versa.  We need to give OGI an accurate count for lunch (which is provided to you FREE), and for name tags.  See


---------------------- Best Wishes to Sherri and Neal on their re-Marriage! ------------------------

----------------------------------- Happy Thanksgiving to All! ---------------------------------------------


Monday December 1:

Seminar, final paper due.  Sherri and Chris will update the web site with a sample paper topic by Thursday Nov. 19.


OOP lecture (see Sherri’s web site)

OOAD Read Ch. 18.  Read and bring questions about the EU-Lease case study

1-3 Workshop in the ACC – time for case study team work.


Tuesday (note change in schedule)

10-12 - OOP Lab as per usual

1-3       SEMINAR :  Mythical Man Month, Ch. 16-19).



OOP exam (see Sherri’s web site)

OOAD Read Ch. 19-20.  Read and bring questions about the EU-Lease case study



Prep Day


Friday, December 5: 

Program Field Trip to Portland (OGI):


Heads Up for Week X:

Monday:  Debrief OOP final exam.  Short OOAD exam either due, or in-class.

Tuesday:  Case Study Team Demo’s 10-1 Notebooks due at 5pm

Wednesday:  no classes, time to work on project presentations and notebook. 

ACC reservation request 1-3 has been made

Thursday:  10-3 - Project Feasibility Study Presentations and Notebooks due,

12-1 Program Pot Luck Lunch