Student Originated Software  Fall 2003

Suggested Content for the OOAD Pair Notebook

Due Monday, November 17, 2003, 11am


Use of Rose is optional.


·        The EU_Lease Problem Statement

i.e., Vision/statement of scope and objectives

·        Glossary (updated through sequence diagrams)


·        Domain Model Diagram (updated to include attributes, relationships)

·        Business Rules (perhaps given as an addendum to the glossary).

·        Business Workflow Diagram (swimlanes) annotated with support points

·        Use Case Diagram with actor definitions and one sentence use case descriptions

·        Any Remaining Outstanding Questions you have about the application (optional)

·        System Iterations (ranking of use cases and/or indication of order of implementation).  One way to do this is to rank each use case (1..5) according to importance, where 5 is most important, and then indicate order of implementation.


·        Detailed Use Cases (Narratives)

·        UI model, i.e., Storyboard for at least one actor and Paper Prototype for major use cases (others as needed)

·        Boundary and Control classes (list or present as diagram)

·        Sample Population (sample data to be used for test cases)

·        CRUD and/or Collaboration Matrix (optional)

·        Collaboration Diagrams (at least one; others as needed)


·        Analysis class model: updated with Control & Boundary classes (optional)

·        Sequence Diagrams (at least one; others as needed)


·        The following are optional

·        Class (design) model:  updated with method signatures as per sequence diagrams, along with additional classes you have discovered that you will need, such as AllCustomers

·        Test cases