Student Originated Software 1997-1998
Fall Quarter

A Software Engineering Course at
The Evergreen State College

Student Originated Software

Requirements Document

Case Study Assignment

Fall Quarter, 1997
Version 0.1
Last Revised: October 13, 1997
Due: October 21, 1997
Now that we've decided that we are going to proceed with this project and we've developed a plan we need to seriously think about just what--precisely--we're going to develop.  This means requirements...

Abbreviated objectives:

    A system developed in Smalltalk to assist Evergreen students and graduates find jobs.  It will be administered by the Career Development Center (CDC) which is also the customer for this project.  The CDC staff is very small and minimal maintenance is desired.  Minimally this (prototype?) system will contain some way for students/graduates to enter resume information.  Internally (in Smalltalk) several objects are needed including users (several types?), resumes, job listings.  This system will be used by CDC personnel, Evergreen students and graduates, and employers.  Since this system is ultimately going to be using the web, this system should be able to create HTML pages for demonstration purposes.  There may be privacy and security issues involved.  It is not known at this time the extent to which different types of users will need to be authorized in some way in order to use certain services.
The suggested contents of the requirements document are listed below.  Feel free to modify these if you want.  Change the order, add or delete sections if you think it's appropriate.  This document should be fairly brief--but as long as necessary.
As before, it must be typed and list the names of all team members.  It should also have a date and version number.

Introduction ("Charter")

Narrative -- customer, problem, concept, domain

Functional Requirements -- What the system should do

    You should use verbs that perform actions.  Similar requirements should be listed together and in a logical order.  Requirements, particularly for large systems are numbered.

Data Requirements

    Input, output, stored in the system

Constraints (or validation criteria)

    "The system must write files in less than .5 seconds" e.g.


    Guidance for implementation where more than strategy exists or areas may need to be traded off

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Created by: SoSwEbGrOuP