Student Originated Software 1997-1998
Fall Quarter

A Software Engineering Course at
The Evergreen State College


Student Originated Software 1997-8

Object-Oriented Programming (Smalltalk)

Lecture 2b

last time in class:


block - a deferred sequence of messages

evaluated when the block receives the message

aBlock := [a:=0].

aBlock value

MyBlock := [:anObject | anObject print].

anotherBlock := [:parm1 :parm2| |tmp|

tmp := parm1 incorporate: parm2.

tmp := rehash.


executing blocks

MyBlock value: 'This is a string sent to print'.

value, value:, value:value:, value:value:value:

valueWithArguments:argArray (> 3 arguments.


the smalltalk virtual machine (oe20)-- interprets code as it comes in

  • "the image" -- where code and object instances are stored

  • the Smalltalk Virtual Machine (your image is its memory)

  • the development environment (your classes + class library)

  • files - virtual image

  • sources visual.sources

  • (base) image

  • (your) image

  • changes file mymods.changes

  • file-outs

  • file-ins "


Application Development Environment

  • the language, tools, the class library

  • launcher, main window (aka transcript)

  • workspace

  • system browser

  • class browser

  • inspector

  • (debug window)

  • The system browser!

    5 panes:

    class categories, classes, protocols, methods,

    workspace to type code

in Lab - last Tuesday, Chapters 6 & 7.

add a new method to an existing class (Number)

do a small application

some useful browsers and menu operations.....


implementors of...

users of...



The Spending App --

new category, with classes & methods).

self new initialize

self new setInitialBalace:anAmount

^self new setInitialBalace:anAmount

setInitialBalance: anAmount

cashOnHand := anAmount.

expenditures := Dictionary new.

totalSpentOn: reason

(expenditures includesKey: reason)

ifTrue:[^expenditures at:reason]


spend:anAmount on:reason


at: reason

put: (self totalSpentOn: reason) + anAmount.

cashOnHand := cashOnHand - anAmount.


super printOn:aStream.

aStream space.

aStream nextPutAll: 'balance:'

cashOnHand printOn: aStream.

expenditures keysAndValuesDo: [:reason :amount |

aStream cr.

reason printOn: aStream.

aStream tab.

amount printOn: aStream]

invoking the app:

| mySpendingHistory |

mySpendingHistory := SpendingHistory initialBalance: 60000.

mySpendingHistory spend: 1000 on: 'rent'.

mySpendingHistory spend: 500 on: 'food'.

mySpendingHistory spend: 100 on: 'vet'.

mySpendingHistory spend: 25000 on: 'new car'.

"inspect" mySpendingHistory

you can modify the collection from the inspector

"inspect" the Smalltalk dictionary.


saving your source code

file out as ...


using the file browser, 'spawning' a new (file) broswer


OO Design Spec for the Spending App.

Like an ER diagram, but with methods!

Ch 7 - The System Transcript

Transcript refers to an instance of TextCollector

show: aString





returns a string with a printable representation of the receiving object

implemented using printOn:, which is redefined in subclasses of Object.

Transcript show: (2 raisedTo:10) printString.

>>>How does Smalltalk decide which method to invoke when I send a message, since there are several methods of the same name?

Transcript cr. Transcript tab. Transcript show: 'String on a new line'; cr.

Transcript show: (3+4) printString; cr.

Transcript show: (22/7) printString; cr.

Transcript show: (42 raisedTo: 42) printString; cr.


Chapter 8 - Class Point.....

information hiding



Chapter 9 - Other kinds of Browsers

class browser

hierarchy browser

spawn hierarchy

Beware of changing classes w/ multiple browsers open!

use update!


Assignment for Next week

Inheritance, class variables and abstract superclasses.

So far, it looks like we might be able to stick with the syllabus.

How's the pace?

- Tuesday - Asst (due) - Read Ch.11,12, 13.

Programming Assignment....

due: Tuesday (or Thursday ???)

Turn in Exercise 10.1, 10.4, 10.6, 10.7, and 10.10. You may work on these exercises with a group, but please write them up with at most one other person. Two persons may turn in one programming assignment.

- Thursday - Unordered Collections. Asst (due) - Read Ch. 14.

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