Student Originated Software 1997-1998
Fall Quarter

A Software Engineering Course at
The Evergreen State College

Project Proposal


Project Name or Current Identifier:

Community networking Page of the Day

Outside Contact Person:

Madeline Gonzalez

Outside Contact Person E-mail:

Web Site:

Customer Organization (or user base):

Association for Community Networking

Purpose of System:

Provide AFCN members a daily update of all news relevant to CN, on the AFCN Web presence.

Brief Description of System Functionality:

"Known" sources will become known BOTH by the manual entering of target Web pages & resources to be searched, AND by some "smart" searching of all available resources and asking the person in charge whether potential candidates should indeed be added to the list of sources. * The information will be presented in one of a variety of formats, TBD by each user. * The user will be able to request _additional_ kinds of searching criteria, in addition to the "base" set.

Hardware and Software Platform:

These will all be Internet applications... we believe the server will be a UNIX server, but are not 100% certain at this point time.

Minimum System:

On a daily basis, the system will search all "known" news & information sources -- e.g., major newspapers, relevant organizations & individuals' Web pages, mailing lists' archives, etc. "Search criteria" will be decided by the client. The client will also provide a list of the "known" sources, initially. The information will be presented in one format, TBD by the client.

Potential -- Skills/Learning/Job:

Follow-On Projects:

Other Pertinent Information( user interface, etc.):

For more information contact
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