Student Originated Software 1997-1998
Fall Quarter

A Software Engineering Course at
The Evergreen State College


Project Proposal


Project Name or Current Identifier:

Orientation Program

Outside Contact Person:

Kate Snow, CTCNet Boston

Outside Contact Person E-mail:

Web Site:

Customer Organization (or user base):

Purpose of System:

I think we at Somerville and probably others would be interested in a Welcome Screen/orientation screen for our Macs (PCs as well I guess) that, without replacing the role of volunteers, would help someone who's trying to figure out what to learn in order to become computer-literate, for example. This could probably be as simple as a Hypercard stack, but would be more useful if it could query and respond to users, in simple, direct, non-technical language. Another version of this that would have administrative capacity as well would be a Mac program that would show all the different software available in the center and on which machines it's found. This would need to be really easy to update and change, and very easy for a new user to navigate, maybe like a mini card library...

Brief Description of System Functionality:

Hardware and Software Platform:

Minimum System:

Potential -- Skills/Learning/Job:

Follow-On Projects:

Other Pertinent Information( user interface, etc.):

This could conceivably be combined with the proposal made by Coralee Whitcomb, Virtually Wired.

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