Student Originated Software 1997-1998

A Software Engineering Course at
The Evergreen State College
offered every other year

Even the best efforts of computer users and software engineers have not alleviated critical software development problems: most software is late and over-budget, does not meet user needs or expectations, or is socially irresponsible. The "software engineering" problem is not just a matter of technology, but a problem of creativity and invention, organization, psychology, artistic design, group dynamics and culture. In addition considerable knowledge and understanding of the application area is required to design, implement, market, sell, deploy, support or maintain a successful system. Evergreen's Student Originated Software program is designed to address these issues and to prepare students to face these problems. The full time, year-long program provides not only in-depth practical experience in software engineering but also a deeper understanding of the issues behind the inherent difficulty of writing responsible, effective software.

General Information Home Pages for each
academic quarter
Past and present student areas

Moving Edge Colloquium

For more information contact
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