Winter Quarter Week 2 Schedule

Week 2
Time and Subject Topic and Homework
Mon, Jan 10th

Partial Differential Equations
Room: Lab1 1059

Topic: Diffusion Equation
Reading: Riley 18.5,Farlow 2,3,4

Room: Sem2 E2107

Reading: "e" p 83-139 and appendices 5-7 Bring a one page typed paragraph and be prepared to read it to the class.

Optional Tutor Session
Room: Lab1 1037

Partial Differential Equations Help
Tue, Jan 11th

Complex Variables Lecture/Workshop
Room: Lab1 1059

Topic: Complex Functions
Reading: Kwok 2.1-2.2

Vector Calculus Lecture/Lab
Room: Lab1 1059

Topic: Intermediate LaTeX
Reading: None
Wed, Jan 12th

Partial Differential Equations Lecture/Workshop
Room: Lab1 1059

PDE Homework Due Today:
Riley Ch. 18 Ex. 18.9,18.10,18.12,18.14,18.19
Farlow Ch 16. Ex. 4; Ch. 17 Ex. 3,4; Ch 23 Ex. 1.
If you don't have the text book here are the homework questions from Farlow .

Topic: Separation of Variables
Reading: Riley 19.1,19.2, Farlow 5,20

1:00-2:00 Optional Tutor Session
Room: Lab1 1037

Complex Variables Help
Thur, Jan 13th

Complex Variables Lecture/Workshop
Room: Lab1 1059

Complex Variables Homework Due Today:
Kwok, Ch 1 Ex. 1.22,1.23,1.30
Riley Ch 3 Ex. 3.6,3.7,3.19

Topic: Complex Differentiation
Reading: Kwok 2.3-2.5 Riley 20.1

1:00-2:00 Optional Tutor Session
Room: Lab1 1040
Vector Calculus Help
Friday, Jan 14th
Vector Calculus Lecture
Room: Lab 1059

Vector Calculus Homework Due Today
Stewart Ch 9.7 pg 699 15,16,21,23,25,26,27,31
Snieder Ch 4.3 a)-e)
One page proposal for your winter quarter project presentation.
Topic: Integration in Other Coordinates
Reading: Stewart 12.4 and 12.8 and Riley 10.9-10.10
Workshop: Snieder 4.4-4.5