Art, Nature, Pattern

Guidelines for Research, Paper, and Mid Quarter Student Presentations on
Education, Art, and Computer Applications.


Email to faculty Research Proposals by Wed. Apr. 20

Hard copy of Rough Draft by Wed. Apr.27

Submit your group Research Paper on Sat. May 7

The purpose of these research, papers, and presentations are to explore ideas from The Connected Family. We want to determine how the unique capabilities of the computer might be used to stimulate curiosity, exploration, imagination, reasoning and any other activities which promote the creativity and learning skills Art, Nature, Patterns, is all about. In addition, determining and describing inappropriate uses of technology are within the scope of this project.

Some approaches you might take:

  1. Describe/Create a sample lesson that uses computer technology in some way as a component.

  2. Explain how your approach follows known teaching methods, why students might find it engaging, what skills or knowledge they should gain as a result.

  3. Describe previous work others might have done that is similar to your or upon which yours is based. Point out differences, advantages and possible disadvantages compared to your approach.

  4. Describe in detail a plan for how you would gauge the effectiveness of your lesson plan. How would you determine and measure how well it achieved its learning objectives.

Some ideas for topics:

  1. Analyze one or more existing educational software1 products or categories of software evaluating them based on criteria you enumerate in your paper. Describe how it might be used effectively, and ways it should not be used.

  2. Explore how some exiting software or technology not originally intended to be educational might be used effectively in an educational setting.

  3. Describe your idea for a software product that doesn't yet exist. Explain why you believe it would be an effective educational tool. Draw examples of what it might look like and explain how it would be used effectively.

Divide and share responsibilities in your group; everybody should be involved in research, learning, evaluation and writing.

Start with a question: What? Why? How?

Does your Research involve learning how to use the software?

Can you do something creative with it?

Is there an original product that the software generates?

What age is it appropriate for? How can this software be used in education? What need can this software fulfill?

How can the educational value of this software be assessed?

Can you use this software in your Community Service?

Your Paper should include the following:

Abstract: 1 paragraph description of Research and Paper.

Leading Question: Why? What? How?

Review of related works, programs, research.

Bibliography of books, programs and www sites used in Research

Media examples.

1 Software can be broadly defined as information that controls the machine, i.e. the computer, TV, sound system, etc.