Beginning Ballet
at The Evergreen State College

Syllabus for Beginning Ballet

1) Each week we will be studying the basic positions, vocabulary and movements of ballet. Each class we will add new positions and steps.

2) In addition to learning ballet, each week we may study focus exercises, Pilates, EFT and stretching exercises.

3) You are required to read the Joyce Mackie beginners ballet book and "The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar" by Roald Dahl. Available at the library or Orcas books.

Requirements for Complete Credit:

•  You must attend 9 out of 10 classes

•  Pay course fee of $20.00 for pianist and possible ballet.

•  Self and Faculty Evaluations due week 9 , faculty eval. is optional and helpful. There must be 3 copies of self eval. signed . If eval. later than week 10, subtract 1 credit. No exceptions.

Must have read "The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar".

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