

Washington Maps

General Map Sites

Middle East


Brazil & Latin America

From Fall Quarter


Washington Maps

Seattle Census 2000 Demographics Maps

Seattle Overview

Washington Precipitation


General Map Sites

Library of Congress Map Collection: 1500-2004

Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection

TerraServer (Satellite Photos and Aerial Photography)

USGS Landsat Project

Earthshots: Satellite Images of Environmental Change

The Geo-Images Project

Washington State Environmental Learning Centers

Thurston Geodata Center

Outline Maps (pdfs)


Winter Quarter

Middle East

Middle East Graphic 2003


Afghanistan 2003

Ethnolinguistic Groups


Iraq 2004

Al Basrah Region Oil Fields

Distribution of Ethnoreligious Groups and Major Tribes

Land Use


Israel 2001

Israel Economic Activity

Israel land Use

Separation Wall

Palestinian Territories (occupied by Israel)

West Bank (large map)

Gaza Strip

West Bank Checkpoints
Gaza Checkpoints

Checkpoints North of Jerusalem

Palestine Maps through History (High resolution Palestine & Jerusalem maps covering much of Palestine's modern history from Passia)


Globalization: Cities, Borders, Prisons


Mega Cities 2000

Mega Cities 2015

Population Trend and Rate of Urbanization

Mega Cities from includes interactive map and photos (including aerial photo of Sao Paulo)


Prison, Military, and Pollution

Incarceration Atlas

US Military Bases Continental US (pdf)

US Military Deployment 1969-2004

US Military Bases around the world

US Military Bases around the world II

Some Existing or Proposed Threats to Native Lands in Western North America

Cancer Pollution Map


US-Mexico Border

Spanish Conquest of Mexico

US Invasion of Mexico

Chiapas and Zapatista Autonomous Zones






Fall Quarter




