Writing & Research

Cultural Landscapes Research Workshop with Librarian Sarah Pedersen

Human Subjects Review Form (pdf)


In the winter quarter, students will be expected to complete the assignments described below.  These assignments are designed to further develop college-level writing, research, and analytical skills, building upon our work in the fall.  New, this quarter, is the opportunity to engage in more in-depth research and writing on a topic of interest to them that is clearly related to program topics.  In the spring quarter, students will have the option of doing a community-based internship with a cultural, environmental, immigrant, or labor organization, or conducting a more in-depth research project on a related topic.

In the winter quarter, students will be expected to complete the following writing assignments and presentations:


As a rule, synthesis papers will be submitted on Tuesdays and presented on Wednesdays in the order that follows:

Writing Group #1

Writing Group #2

Writing Group #3

Weeks 2 and 6

Weeks 3 and 7

Weeks 5 and 8

On Tuesdays, students who will be presenting their papers on Wednesdays should bring enough double-sided copies of their papers to give one to each of their colleagues.  One single-sided copy will be given to the seminar leader.  Final essays, along with drafts and a group comment sheet, are due on Wed. one week after your peer review (at the beginning of workshop). 



Academic Honesty

The work we submit--in discussion, writing, etc.--must reflect our own ideas.  When we incorporate the ideas of others, be those published authors, filmmakers, or classmates, we should acknowledge our sources.  While much of the work in this program will be collaborative and the ensuing ideas will reflect the contributions of more than one person, we will get in the habit of acknowledging the people and ideas that have influenced us.  Failure to cite copyrighted sources, or presentation of the work of others as one's own, is plagiarism and will be treated in accordance with the provisions of the Social Contract. 




