Using inQsit: Most of your quizzes and exams will be on inQsit,
the same program you used to take the week1 surveys. Either click on the
survey or quiz name on our syllabus, or go directly to For most inQsit surveys and quizzes, you will be able to take them as many times as you like. Please always use the same name. All your tries will be saved. Feel free to use these as a learning opportunity
Fall week 1: Surveys on InQsit: InSurvey tells your prof about your interests, WebSurvey orients you to our webpages, and EnergySurvey tells your prof about your background and perspectives. Fall midquarter: There will be two midterms
exams on inQsit: SemQuiz04fall and EnergyMid04fall. The
Seminr midterm will include questions like those on the week 2 reading
quiz. The Energy midterm will include questions covering class and
homework. They will be available starting Monday morning 25 Oct. Please
finish both by Wednesday 27.Oct.