Faculty: Jorge Gilbert
Office: Seminar II # 2108
Phone: 867-6740
E-mail: gilbertj@evergreen.edu
Monday: 10.00 - 1.00
p.m. Lecture Library 1308
Monday 6.00 - 8.00 p.m. Spanish Library 2103
Tuesday 11.00 - 12.30 p.m. Seminar Library 2204
Tuesday 2.30 - 5.00 p.m. Screening and Seminar Library 1308
Wednesday 6.00 - 8.00 p.m. Spanish Library 2103
Friday 1.00 - 5.00 p.m. Panorama Latino Americano TCTV - 22.
Moema Viezzer: Let Me Speak: Domitila Barrios de Chungara
Eduardo Galeano, Open Veins of Latin America
Davis S. Landes, The Wealth & Poverty of Nations: Why Some
are Rich & Some So Poor
Jorge Gilbert: Dependency & Underdevelopment in Latin America:
Five Centuries of Capitalist Accumulation.
Jorge Gilbert: The Military State and the Chilean Dictatorship
Jorge Gilbert: The New World Order and Latin America
WEEK 1: Introduction
to Latin America
Text: Syllabus and Covenant
Lecture: Politics and Ideologies in the Americas
WEEK 2: Primitive
Accumulation of Capital
Text: The Open Veins of Latin America
Film: The Buried Mirror
WEEK 3: Colonial Structure
and Capitalism
Text: The Open Veins of Latin America
Film: The Last Supper
WEEK 4: Dependent
State and Capitalism
Text: Dependency & Underdevelopment in Latin America
Film: Burn
WEEK 5: National States,
Populism and Capitalism
Text: Dependency & Underdevelopment in Latin America
Final Projects Proposals are Due
WEEK 6: Revolutions,
US Hegemony and Capitalism
Text: Let Me Speak
Film: Children In Debt
WEEK 7: The Military
State and Neoliberalism
Text: The Military State and the Chilean Dictatorship
Film: The Battle of Chile
WEEK 8: The New World Order and Neoliberalism
Text: The New World Order and Latin America
Film: TBA
WEEK 9: Globalization
and Free Market
Texts: The Wealth & Poverty of Nations
Films: TBA
WEEK 10: Student Presentations
(Final Projects)