Group:____________________________ Your Name:______________________________________

0 - Didn't observe it.
1 - Presenters gave some indicaton that they were aware of this.
2 - Presnters gave a clear demonstration that they were aware of this.
3 - Presenters did an outstanding job of this.

_____I. Encouraged and accepted student autonomy and initiative.

_____2. Used raw data and primary sources.

_____3. Used manipulative, interactive and physical materials.

_____4. Used cognitive terminology such as classify, analyze, predict or create when framing tasks.

_____5. Allowed student responses to drive lessons, shift instructional strategies, and alter content.

_____6. Responded to student contributions.

_____7. Inquired about students' understandings or concepts before sharing their own understandings of those concepts.

_____8. Encouraged students to engage in dialogue, both with the teacher and with one another.

_____9. Encouraged student inquiry by asking thoughtful, open-ended questions and encouraging students to ask questions of each other.

_____10. Helped students define, clarify, describe, and list examples.

_____II. Sought elaboration of students' initial responses.

_____12. Avoided closed questions and narrow factual questions.

_____13. Engaged students in experiences that might engender contradictions to their initial hypotheses and then encourages discussion.

_____14. Allowed wait time after posing questions.

_____15. Provided time for students to construct and create metaphors.

_____16. Nurtured students' natural curiosity.

_____17. Provided for student self and peer evaluation of knowledge.

_____18. Questioning strategies required problem solving, analysis and reason.

_____19. Moved throughout room interacting with students.

Comment on the clarity with which the subject matter was presented.  Were the goals and objectives clear?