Technology Tips
Accessing Calawah
Accessing your Calawah folder
Note: this is the hard drive space you have been assigned
that you can access from anywhere on campus and use to store your work in
progress (however, since you have only 100 megabytes of space, your Calawah
folder cannot be used to store your iMovie until you create a small Quicktime
version of it).
You need to know your Evergreen password and login in order
to access your Calawah folder. If you are having trouble with this, contact
John McGee in the Computer Center.
From a PC: if you log into the computer using your
Evergreen name and password, you will see your Calawah folder either on the
desktop or inside My Computer.
From a Mac:
- From
the Finder/Desktop use the Go menu
to select Connect to Server
- Type
in "calawah" as the server address in the dialog box
- Type
in your Evergreen login name and password
- Select
your folder (the first letter of your last name)
- Your
folder in now available on the desktop
Using iMovie
Opening iMovie
- Find
the iMovie icon on the desktop and double click.
- From
the File menu and choose Create
a New Project.
- Name
the Project with your name, and be sure to save it in the Documents
Importing video into iMovie
- Put your
tape in the camera and turn the camera on to VCR or video.
- Connect
the camera to the computer with the firewire cable (ask for help if you
have trouble finding the places to plug in the cable).
- You
can now run the camera directly from iMovie using the controls.
- When
you see a section of the video you want to import, click the import button
to start the import and click it a second time to stop the import process.
The video footage you imported will be placed in the clips pane.
Creating a still image
- Import
a section of video containing the still frame you want to capture (see
- Click
on the clip that contains the still frame you want to capture to select it
(it will be highlighted in blue when connected).
- Move
to or near to the frame you want to capture by dragging the small triangle
just below the image; then you can use the arrow keys to move frame by
frame backwards or forwards to get just the frame you want.
- Select
Save Frame under the File menu Ð you can save the file into your Calawah
folder now or save it temporarily into the documents folder and move it
later. Be sure not to use any spaces in your filename since you will be
using this file on your webpage.
Isolating a video clip from your imported video
(There are a couple of different ways to do this, but here
is the one I find easiest)
- Click
on the video clip you want to work with.
- Move
to the frame you want to start with Ð note: if you have important audio at
this point, go back 2-3 seconds to make room for a transition.
- Use
the Edit menu to select Split
Video Clip at Playhead.
- You
will now have two clips, one of which starts at the point you selected Ð
click on that clip to select it.
- Move
the clip to your desired ending point.
- Again,
use the Edit menu to select Split
Video Clip at Playhead
- Move
your edited clip to the clip viewer, just below the iMovie monitor.
Creating Titles
- Just
below the clips pane you will see a small menu that includes a Titles button.
- Click
on the Titles button.
- Select
the type of title you want Ðfor this project the Centered Multiple title works well.
- Type
in your title on the lines provided Ð if you selected a multiple title
type, you can add more lines by pressing the + key.
- You
can (and should) increase the size of the title by dragging the size bar
to the right.
- You
should also increase the time the title remains on the screen by dragging
the speed bar to the right.
- Now
drag the title to the clip viewer starting from the title in the title
list (e.g., Centered Multiple) to
the point in the video where you want the title to be displayed.
- If
you need to make adjustments to the title after viewing it, click on the
title, make the changes, and click update.
Creating Transitions
- Click
on the Trans button in the small
menu below the clips pane.
- Select
a type of transition Ð cross dissolve
is a good choice.
- Adjust
the transition time by dragging the speed bar Ð 3 seconds is a good choice
for this project.
- Drag
the transition icon (e.g., cross dissolve) from the list and place it between the two clips you want to transition
Creating a Quicktime Version of Your Movie
Note: In order to show your movie in PowerPoint or on the
web, you need to save it in a form that is smaller and more universally usable
Ð in this case, as a Quicktime file.
- From
the File menu select Share.
- Click
the Quicktime button and then use the Compress Movie for menu to select CD-ROM.
- Click
the Share button.
- In the
dialog box name the file and save it to your Calawah folder or temporarily
into the documents folder.
- It
will take a couple of minutes for the file to be created.
- If you
want to create a smaller file for putting on your webpage, repeat this
process but select web streaming as
the type and save with a slightly different name.
Getting Ready to Begin a Dreamweaver Session
Before you begin working in Dreamweaver, you need to set up
a local site Ð a folder where Dreamweaver expects you to do your work. We
strongly recommend that everyone create a folder within their personal folder
in Calawah to use as their local site. So, whenever you begin a Dreamweaver
session, you need to log-into Calawah to access your local site. If for some
reason you do not already have a local site stored on Calawah, create a new
folder within Calawah now and name it with your name and "web site",
such as "Sams web site". Once you get into Dreamweaver you can
"put" the files in your remote site into your local site.
Setting up a New Site
- Open
Dreamweaver and from the Site menu
select New Site.
- Provide
the requested information: Name your site with your name (or anything else
you want).
- The
website for your site will be letter of your
last name/your user name (e.g.,
- On the
next screen choose to not use
server technology.
- On the
next screen choose to edit local copies on my machine, É. And then click
the small folder icon and navigate to your local folder.
- On the
screen that asks you how you want to connect to your remote server,
- you
want to connect with FTP
- your
FTP host:
- your
host directory will be the first letter of your last name/Evergreen user
name, for example, s/smisue24
- your
ftp login will be your Evergreen user name, for example, smisue24
- your
ftp password is your Evergreen password
- Click
until you get to the Done button.
- You
have now set up your site and are ready to edit and add to your web site!!
Getting all your files from the Remote Site into your Local Site
- In
the file list window at the right of your screen make sure you see local
view (not remote view).
- To
bring over your files from the remote server, click the down arrow to get
the entire site.
Modifying an existing file
- First
open the file from the file list, being sure that you are working with the
local site (not the remote site).
- Make
your edits.
- Before
you go any further, you can test your changes by going to the File menu
and choosing Preview in Browser.
- When
you are done editing, choose to PUT your edited file to the remote site,
by clicking the up and down icon and then choosing Put.
Adding an image
- Working
outside of Dreamweaver, copy the image files you want to use on your web
site into your local folder if it is not already there.
- Open
the file where you want the image to be placed.
- Place
your cursor where you want the picture to go and then, from the Insert menu, select Image and then select the image file you want to
both the image file and the file you are working on to the remote site by
clicking on the up arrow icon or selecting PUT when the files are selected
Adding a Video Clip
- Working
outside of Dreamweaver, copy the Quicktime file you want to use on your
web site into your local folder if it is not already there.
- Open
the file where you want to create a link to the video clip.
- Type
a few words to label the video clip (such as Òvideo of my teachingÓ).
- Select
the words you just typed, then click the folder icon in the property

- Use
the dialog box to navigate to your local folder where you placed the
Quicktime video clip.
both the video file and the file you are working on to the remote site by
clicking on the up arrow icon or selecting PUT when the files are selected
Power Point Presentation BASICS
Select New Presentation
from the File menu.
From the New Slide
Menu, choose the slide layout you want. For our power point project, your first
slide will include your name and the still frame image taken from your video,
so choose the picture slide
layout (fourth line, far right), then click OK. You
can also create your own by using the blank slide and the Insert options.
Power Point gives you cues what to do, so type in your name
for the title, then double click to insert the image. Select the image from the folder in the dialog box and click
You can change the image size by clicking on one of the
small white boxes around the image and moving it to the size you want.
SAVE your presentation, and remember to save often as you
are working.
add new slides, select new slide from
the Insert menu or click on the new
slide icon from the tool bar.

Choose the slide layout you would like for the new slide and
continue on.
You do not have to insert slides chronologically. You can
insert new slides between existing ones by placing the cursor where you want
the new slide to go on the left side of the screen in the normal view mode, or you can move slides around in the slide
sorter when you are finished creating the
(located at the bottom left hand corner)
normal view slide
sorter slide
To insert your QuickTime video, select one of the media clip
slides from the slide layout if you want to include text, or select a blank
slide and go to the Insert menu. Select Movies
and Sounds and then Movie from
It will ask you if you want the movie to play automatically in the slide
show, say yes.
The QuickTime movie file is separate from the movie within
your Powerpoint presentation. In order to view the movie in the Powerpoint
presentation, the QuickTime movie file also needs to be on the computer. So if
you move the Powerpoint presentation to another computer, you also need to move
the QuickTime movie file.
To view your presentation, click on the slide show icon, or select slide show from the View menu.
There is much more you can do with Powerpoint, but these are
the basics you need for your presentation.