1) From: Jenna McDonald [mailto:kayainside@yahoo.com]

#1 Travel accomodations(take time), looking into volunteering for SKIP an organization in Trujillo, Peru...helping to teach english and provide funds(and means for families to create their own funds)...to families who cannot afford basic schooling for their kids.

#2 Working at Dememeters garden. *Every thursday 9am group meets* Reading INTRODUCTION TO PERMACULTURE and FIVE ACRES AND INDEPENDENCE:A HANDBOOK FOR SMALL FARM MANAGEMENT. I want to study ancient culture and unveil mysterys of those whose connection to the universe was greater, BUT I also want to be able to live without submission to the never ending cycle of expenses and limitations that buying all our goods and foods entails. I feel that our food supply is contaminated, and feel the obvious solution is learn how to produce my own.

#3 In accordance with the idea of self-sustainability is the need to be able to heal ourselves. Enough perscriptions! I will be journaling my RAW FOOD healing experiment from NOV. 5 until JAN. 5 (leave for Peru Jan 6th), my main objective being to optimize immune function and ward off possible illness both here and in Peru. I will be referencing all works by Gabriel Cousins and reading THE ZODIAC AND THE SALTS OF SALVATION (biochemistry), PLANT SPIRIT MEDICINE and referencing THE NATURE DOCTOR, GREEN PHARMACY and many raw food guides. This portion also includes homeopathy and herbalism, which links back up with the work in the GARDEN.

<>#4 Spanish...slowly but surely.

#5 Read Pedagogy, Broad and Alien is this World, Dancing Wu-Li Masters and 100 years of solitude before Peru Trip. Continue to study the art of education and oppression.

#6 Read ART OF WAR, SECRETS OF THE ANCIENT INCAS, THE MYSTICAL QABALAH, THE ARRIVAL OF THE GODS(NAZCA SCRAPINGS IN PERU) AND related texts to research and correlate spiritual myth, especially concerning pre-inca culture and South America.

Jenna...If anyone has suggestions on any great resources for these topics please let me know. Namaste.