-------- Original Message --------
Subject: phill's mid-term
Date: Tue, 09 Nov 2004 16:30:24 -0800
To: nakasonr@evergreen.edu

I wanted to send to you my mid-term and wish you well. I've talked with you
only once so far, and would like to send good wishes and positivity your
way. i was also wondering about peru and if you knew of any Native Medicine
Wisepersons who except internships, or fellewships.

In the past few years, I became aware of my struggle with my own negative
psychology. My mind comes to a breaking point when struggle occurs and I
believe turning my back to my problems help them disappear. However, the
problems continually compound, and my mental state continually breaks.
Recently, in an attempt to balance out my mind and pull myself away from the
struggles which restrict me from achieving the gloriousness I know I can be
apart of, I have began the study of positive psychology and faith healing.
The reprogramming skills I currently am developing aim to integrate a pray,
work, think, believe psychology into my current dreariness. With my goal of
mastering my own self into positivity I believe can drastically affect the
state of the community. Rob Knapp once told me, “A community is only as
strong as its weakest link,” I normally feel as though I am the weakest
link, and within that thought of mind become so. Currently, I am working on
achieving a balance within myself, which, in theory if works out, I will
move further to point were I can help others, help themselves. My project
will have something to do with tea and the community, I am thinking a
donation based tea shop in the forest or near the library.

What I am working on

30-60 minutes of mediation

Read – Pedagogy of the Oppressed

Read – The Art of Changing the Brain

Read - The Amazing Results of Positive Thinking - Peale

Read – Authentic Happiness – Seligman

Keeping a daily journal of my thoughts, interactions

Attend – Faith based organizations

Attend – non-faith based organizations for comparison

Help work on Diemeters garden

Establish a tea hub in the evergreen forest.

Continue my study of herbalogy, faith healing and positive psychology.

Thanks for reading,

Phill Boisvert