-------- Original Message --------
Subject: mid-quarter report
Date: Sun, 31 Oct 2004 12:50:39 -0800
To: nakasonr@evergreen.edu

Hi Raul,
I'm writing to let you know how things are going so far and about my preparations for the
trip to Peru.
I saw other people's mid-quarter reports on the website, and wasn't sure where to post
mine, so I am just emailing it to you.

I have been enjoying the reading material. I read Pedagogy, and am currently reading
Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligences and Zinn's People's History. In addition I have been
reading books in Spanish, trying to read at least half and hour every day. I am currently
reading Cien Anos de Soledad, as it was recommended for our trip to Peru. I am planning to
read at least one more book on the reading list, and a book about Peru by the end of this

For my independent project I have been doing a musical practicum. I have been working on two
classical music pieces. I hope to have one memorized and at performance stage by the end of
the quarter. I have also been playing with a jamband. This will be picking up in intensity
now that the soccer season is over. I am researching one keyboard artist, Bernie Worrell, and
listening to his music.

My work-study job relates to what I am learning about liberation, oppression, and empowerment.
I am working with a program called Youth Earth Service Corps out of the YMCA in downtown
Olympia. I work with high schoolers to help them carry out service projects. Another activity
that I am going to do is to begin working with Jennie from the Mason County Literacy program to
volunteer with the ESL program, at least one night a week.

As for preparing to go to Peru, I feel I am on track with my preparations. I have my plane
ticket, have arrangements for getting the shots I need, and am planning to get my passport
soon. I am not sure what I will do down there. Mostly I want to experience the culture and
improve my Spanish. I would like to play some music and soccer too if possible! I want to do
some volunteer work as well. I am going to be there from 1/6/05 to 2/20/05, a little over 6
weeks. If possible after week 5 I want to visit the Ashaninka people.

You mentioned that you know some native speakers who are willing to do Spanish sessions in the
evenings. I am very interested in doing that. Earlier in the quarter I was very busy with
soccer, but now I have more time, and want to practice speaking spanish.

I hope this gives you an idea of how the quarter is progressing for me so far.
Siena Picchi-Dobson