Your name: Ethan Schaffer
Program (or project title)name: Patience
1A. Did your program (or project)include Art? (delete what doesn't apply)
(Major emphasis, Minor emphasis or No emphasis)
     Not in any traditional sense but I have certainly experienced art in this program. 
1B. If yes, how was Art included in your program (or project)?
I studied the art of meditation. I also observed and criticed art in the Argentine skate boarding subculture. The culmination of the work may be used to develop a line of skate shoes fabricated in an Argentine cooperative shoe factory, succesfully merging two subcultures.
2A. Did your program (or project) include Science and/or Mathematics?
(Major emphasis, Minor emphasis or No emphasis)
2B. If yes, how was Science and/or Mathematics included in your program (or project)?
I studied basic mycology as well as social sciences. I used math for putting together budgets and fundraising.

3A. Did your program (or project) include Humanities?
(Major emphasis, Minor emphasis or No emphasis)
Major empasis.
3B. If yes, how were the Humanities included in your program(or project)?
I have been writing articles for print about my work and travel. I have also been living in South America studying the language, culture history etc. I believe all of that would fall somewhere under humanities.

4A. Did your program (or project)include Social Sciences?
(Major emphasis, Minor emphasis or No emphasis)
Major emphasis.
4B. If yes, how were the Social Sciences included in your program(or project)?
I did not know I was a social scientist until I met two socialogy grad students in a secluded town in Misiones, Argentina. They where studying rural social movements. We had been following and working with all the same groups, following almost the exact same travel route.

5A. Did your program(or project) include quantitative reasoning?
(Major emphasis, Minor emphasis or No emphasis)
5B. If yes, how was quantitative reasoning included in your program(or project)?
Fundraising is the art of reasoning out the purpose of your project in quantitative terms.

6A. Did your program(or project) include writing?
(Major emphasis, Minor emphasis or No emphasis)
Major emphasis      
6B. If yes, how was writing included in your program(or project)?
I wrote a series of articles for the CPJ, Indymedia, The Permaculture Activist and Transitions Abroad.

7A. Did you use technology to present work, conduct research (including library research), or solve problems?
(Major emphasis, Minor emphasis or No emphasis)


7B. If yes, how did you do so?
I used and helped develop Half of what I do is research, using every means possible, to find organic farms, activist groups and social movements. I have been using a blog, the website and slideshows to present my work. The entire project is tech based.

8A. Did your program(or project) include activities designed to promote critical thinking?
(Major emphasis, Minor emphasis or No emphasis)
Why are you asking me this question? What is this survey really trying to get at?

8B. If yes, how were such activities included in your program(or project)?
Yes. If you aren't thinking critically in South America you are a yankee tourist and should go home. The complexity of the Argentine political system and social  movements encourages very sharp critical thinking skills.

9A. Did your program(or project) make an effort to address racism, sexism, classism, or other forms of oppression?
(Major emphasis, Minor emphasis or No emphasis)
Super major empasis
9B. If yes, what strategies or activities did you(or your faculty team)use that worked well?
I traveled in South America, observed society, analized and wrote. I have been surrounded by racism and sexism. To understand South American culture you must think about these topics. I am a middle class American working with socialist, communist, marxist, anarchist, autonomist organizations. Whether I like I or not I have to spend at least a few hours a day discussing classism and opression.

10A. Were there opportunities for you to do advanced work in this program(or project)?
(Major emphasis, Minor emphasis or No emphasis)
10B. If yes, please elaborate…
The work i have been doing is comparable to grad school work. I successfully planned and executed a non-profit project. Like grad school the work I am doing now could easily turn into a book or life long career. Patience is a wonderful program. Other Evergreen professors should consider taking it to improve their own classes.
