Your name: Gail L. McCall
Program (or project title)name: Patience 2004-2005
1A. Did your program (or project) include Art? (delete what doesn't apply) Yes
(Major emphasis, Minor emphasis or No emphasis)
 my project had minor.

1B. If yes, how was Art included in your program (or project)?
Film and photos but mostly focused on technical aspects. Computer Programs and converting MOV to usable forms.

2A. Did your program (or project) include Science and/or Mathematics? YES
(Major emphasis, Minor emphasis or No emphasis)
2B. If yes how was Science and/or Mathematics included in your program (or project)? Mapping, surveying, planning drainages and layout of farm and water recourses.

3A. Did your program (or project) include Humanities? Yes
(Major emphasis, Minor emphasis or No emphasis) Major

3B. If yes, how were the Humanities included in your program (or project)? Immigration, Marriages, Education, ESL, everybody has a story of who they are and where they came from and I was listening.

4A. Did your program (or project) include Social Sciences? Yes
(Major emphasis, Minor emphasis or No emphasis) Major

4B. If yes, how were the Social Sciences included in your program (or project)? Social Science was the evaluating the humanities part of my project.

5A. Did your program (or project) include quantitative reasoning? Yes
(Major emphasis, Minor emphasis or No emphasis) Major
5B. If yes, how was quantitative reasoning included in your program (or project)? Mapping, figuring water ratio, depth. Planning businesses budgets, overhead and projection.

6A. Did your program (or project) include writing? Yes
(Major emphasis, Minor emphasis or No emphasis) Minor      
6B. If yes, how was writing included in your program (or project)? Writing business plans and Grants. Writing to the county for extensions and information. Letter for immigration and notary. Plan for class and internships. Teaching plans.

7A. Did you use technology to present work, conduct research (including library research), or solve problems? Yes
(Major emphasis, Minor emphasis or No emphasis) Major

7B. If yes, how did you do so? Computer, printer and tons of programs to make movies, convert files, print and put up a display board, make and maintain web pages, teach CALL computer aided language learning, teach ESL on the computer to people in Peru with web cams and mikes. Find laws, regulation and specs from city, county and worldwide. Research water, agriculture, animal husbandry medicines and diseases.

8A. Did your program (or project) include activities designed to promote critical thinking? Yes
(Major emphasis, Minor emphasis or No emphasis) Major

8B. If yes, how were such activities included in your program (or project)? Education, teaching and learning, problem solving for laws, water, animals and social situations.

9A. Did your program (or project) make an effort to address racism, sexism, classism, or other forms of oppression? Yes
(Major emphasis, Minor emphasis or No emphasis) Major

9B. If yes, what strategies or activities did you (or your faculty team) use that worked well? Treat everyone with respect and see the value in everyone.

10A. Were there opportunities for you to do advanced work in this program (or project)? Yes
(Major emphasis, Minor emphasis or No emphasis) Major
10B. If yes, please elaborate… Quantitative reasoning, water and environmental projects, Internships and teach classes, making the research and learning from past year to form and using everything in my community and home. This is a doing class and my projects continue even after the class ends. Everything I learned in Patience is benefit and usable in my life. Patience is
what you plan and accomplish for an advanced education.

This information is needed for ongoing assessment of our Evergreen curriculum. Your participation is extremely important and appreciated. The results of this end-of-program survey will be used to help describe Evergreen's work to accreditors and Board of Trustees, share innovative practices among faculty and staff, provide useful feedback to faculty and planning units, and suggest faculty development interests and resource needs. This program review is one part of a multifaceted approach to assessing teaching and learning at Evergreen.

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